Collaboration at the Department of Italian Studies

  • The Department of Italian Studies co-operates with several local, national and international institutions, and shares several collaborative projects with various European universities, for example, with the Universities of Catania, Padua, Vilnius, Florence, Warsaw, Trieste, Udine, Umeå. Researches on different aspects of travel literature, image of Italians and Italy abroad, are carried out in co-operation with CIRVI (Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerche sul Viaggio in Italia) and with the Italian kielen ja kulttuurin seura ry.
  • In the educational activities, some of the principal partners include the other language departments at the University of Turku, the school Turun Normaalikoulu, the Association of the Italian Teachers in Finland, as well as the Italian Embassy and the Italian Culture Institute in Helsinki. As a result of the cooperation with other universities and various associations and institutions, the Department hosts visiting lecturers, with the aim of enlarging the course offer, and differentiating the disciplinary perspectives of the educational process.
  • The participation of the members of the Department (lecturers, researchers, PhD students) in scientific conferences and seminars abroad is very intensive, due to the regular collaboration with other universities, research networks and cultural associations, like the Petőfi Literary Museum (Hungary), the Associazione culturale italoungherese del Friuli Venezia Giulia "Pier Paolo Vergerio." (Duino Aurisina, Italy), the Dante Society of Hungary, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the AIPI (Associazione Internazionale dei Professori d’Italiano), etc.