Research at the Department of Finnish Literature

The research practiced at the Department of Finnish Literature is characterised by multidisciplinarity, and literature as an art form is a conceptualised contextual phenomenon. 

The research is focused on feminist literary criticism, transnationality, relations between nature and culture, digital culture, poetry, and children’s and young adult’s literature, and the research material consists of  literature written in Finnish and Swedish from the 19th century up to the present day. 

Typical research questions include the following:

  • How has literature effected our images of gender?
  • How does literature break down the borders of nationality?
  • How does literature  represent the relations between human and non-human?
  • In what ways can the materiality of languages be read in poetry?
  • How is the genre of children’s literature gendered?

Research projects

Recent publications

Ilmastonmuutos ja kirjallisuuden aika (2018)

Vähäisiä lisiä: Kirjoituksia kulttuurista, tutkimuksesta ja kulttuuriperinnöstä
Riitta Jytilä
(Popularised article or blog post (E1))

Esipuhe: Muuri ja murros (2016)

Hongisto Ilona, Kurikka Kaisa
(A3 Refereed book chapter or chapter in a compilation book)