Alumni of the Faculty of Education

Everyone who has studied or worked at the Faculty of  Education is our alumni. Let's keep in touch!

As our alumni you're welcome to 

  •     participate in all of the Faculty's alumni events, seminars etc.
  •     take part in developing the Faculty's research and education by giving us feedback and ideas
  •     help us develop our students connections to work life by offering internship possibilities or Bachelor's or Master's thesis topics
Faculty's Alumni Committee

In the Faculty of Education, the development and planning of the alumni relations is carried out by the Faculty's Alumni Committee. Would you like to know more about our alumni activities or tell us about your ideas? Contact us:

Head of Faculty Development Anu Warinowski, Faculty of Education (chair)
Professor Pasi Koski, Department of Teacher Education, Rauma
Project researcher Maikki Pouta, Department of Teacher Education, Turku 
Postdoctoral researcher Nina Haltia, Department of Education
Rector Katrina Vartiainen, Teacher Training School, Turku
Head Rector Anna-Maija Katajisto, Teacher Training School, Rauma
Education Coordinator Anni Mäki, Educational Affairs
Communications officer Erja Hyytiäinen, University Communications
Coordinator Terhikki Saari, Partnerships and Strategic Engagement
Alumni Relations Coordinator Ameya Münzner Foujdar, Partnerships and Strategic Engagement
Office Secretary Viola Jokela, Faculty's Administrative Services (secretary)

Alumni members

Specialist in Education Policy Risto-Matti Alanko, Trade Union of Education
University Lecturer Kalypso Filippou, University of Turku
Consulting official Petri Haltia, Ministry of Education and Culture​​
Head of Pedagogy Einari Kurvinen, Eduten
Deputy Managing director Tuomo Lähdeniemi, Fountain Park
Associate Professor Jake McMullen, University of Turku
Union Specialist Sanni Salmenoja, Union of Upper Secondary School Students in Finland​
Deputy Dircetor, Head of Unit Hannele Seppälä, Finnish Education Evaluation Centre​​​
Education Coordinator Maiju Toivonen, Union of Health and Social Care Professionals in Finland 
Class Teacher Sameli Valkama, City of Turku

Student members

Riku Ranta, Opex
Salla Kylväjä, Katko
Annika Lind, Opekas
Sofia Laine, TurAus

Publications for the professional community and the general public

Die digitale Mittelstadt der Zukunft verstehen : Ein transdisziplinärer Forschungsrahmen (2023)

Bücker Julia, Zelinka Jozef, Parreira do Amaral Marcelo, Becker Jörg, Distel Bettina, Feldhaus Christoph, Grundmann Matthias, Hoffmann Jessica, Hosseini Henry, Hupperich Thomas, Kersting Norbert, Koddebusch Michael, Koelmann Holger, Löschel Andreas, Maeser Jonas, Nowak David, Nguyen Binh An Patrick, Rusche Mathias, Scholta Hendrik
(Published development or research report or study (D4))