In their application, applicants must provide a supervisor who has approved the applicant's research plan and agreed to be the first supervisor of the research. If the first supervisor is not employed by the Faculty’s department, the applicant must identify a second supervisor employed by the Faculty’s department. If the applicant does not provide a supervisor(s) for their research who meets the Faculty’s supervisor requirements in their application, the application will be rejected and will not be considered by the Steering Committee of the doctoral programme.
Supervisors must have doctoral degrees. The first supervisor must be a professor, assistant/associate professor or docent. The expertise of the supervisors, as well as their supervision skills and ability to commit themselves to acting as supervisors, are taken into account in the appointment decision.
The first supervisor must be employed by a faculty’s department or an emeritus/emerita professor who has an emeritus contract with the faculty. In exceptional cases for well-justified reasons, the first supervisor may also be a docent who is not employed by the faculty. In this case, the second supervisor appointed for the dissertation research must be a professor, assistant/associate professor, or docent employed by the faculty’s department.
After the application period ends, the supervisor fills in an assessment form on the applicant's research plan and the conditions for obtaining the doctoral degree and submits the assessment form to the Doctoral Programme Coordinator.
If the applicant does not know a suitable supervisor for their research, they may contact the Doctoral Programme Coordinator, who will ask the applicant to provide the necessary information (including a preliminary research plan and CV) to find a supervisor. The information is provided on an electronic form. Based on the information on the form, the Coordinator will be in contact with the potential supervisors. There is no suitable supervisor for all applicants / research topics in the doctoral programme, and finding a supervisor does no guarantee the right to study.
It is recommended that the applicant starts their application process as early as approximately six months before applying for doctoral studies by participating in the so-called orientation phase, during which they, for instance, take part in their future supervisor’s postgraduate seminars and fulfill their study and research plan with the guidance of the supervisor.