CERLI Seminars
Centre for Research on Learning and Instruction organises seminars open to all. For more information on the time and place of each seminar (or the remote link), please contact the seminar's person in charge (or other organisers).
Postgraduate seminars
The research seminar primarily focuses on studies related to early childhood education, as well as pre-primary and primary education, but broader themes are not excluded from discussion. This open research seminar encourages multi-perspective dialogical exchanges. The primary target group is doctoral researchers, but participation is also open on a voluntary basis to individuals at all stages of a research career (e.g., master's students planning to continue their studies and more experienced researchers). Department staff are also invited to share their research ideas.
The research seminar meets every other Tuesday from 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM, starting on August 27, 2024. A detailed program will be announced at the beginning of each semester and it's also updated in the blog https://blogit.utu.fi/earlyresearchgarden/our-research-seminar/. The program also includes presentations by visiting researchers.
Meetings will be held online or in a hybrid format. The link and additional information can be obtained from the lead coordinator.
The seminar languages are Finnish and English.
Persons in charge: Sara Sintonen
Other organisers: Teija Koskela and members of the Early Research Garden
The research topics discussed at the seminar are related to craft, design and technology and arts education, the assessment and development of functional learning and work environments, and educational institution safety, as well as the pedagogy of arts and skills education broadly. All doctoral researchers in Rauma and students applying for the right to postgraduate studies are welcome to attend the seminar. The contact person is Arttu Korkeaniemi (arttu.p.korkeniemi@utu.fi), with whom the presentation opportunities and schedules will be agreed on.
During the academic year (September-December and January-May), the seminar meetings are held on the 1st Tuesday of each month from 4 pm to 6 pm. In January, the meeting is on the 2nd Tuesday of the month.
Language: finnish/english
Person in charge: Eila Lindfors and Marja-Leena Rönkkö
Other organisers: Other doctoral supervisors participate in the seminars when the doctoral researchers that they supervise present their research.
The seminar focuses on learning in a specific domain or topic, for instance, acquiring a specific skill. It may also involve vocational or professional learning either in the context of formal education or the workplace. The supervisors can provide support in the following methods, in particular: experimental research or field experimental research, network analysis, eye tracking, interaction analysis and discourse analyses.
Meetings in autumn term 2024:
- September 2
- October 7
- November 4
- December 2, Zoom/EDU357B. Marja's literature review, building on what she presented at Kasvatustieteen päivät
The seminar meets from 4.15 to 6 pm. You can get the Zoom link from the contact person. The seminar is conducted in English and Finnish.
Contact person: Marjaana Puurtinen
Themes of research in higher education pedagogy and higher education.
Organizer: Mari Murtonen
The seminar meets about once a month, for more information contact mari.murtonen@utu.fi
Themes of the seminar:
- Social competence, loneliness and psychosocial well-being
- Adverse childhood experiences, parenting, mentalisation and child development
- Use of social and health care services
- Social in learning: Support for socio-emotionally and cognitively vulnerable children in the family and school contexts
- Interaction processes in collaborative learning
- Teaching through interaction: Developing teacher support and informal formative assessment of its effect
- Social, cultural, and pedagogical competence of early childhood education teachers
- Enhancing teacher-child interactions in early childhood education settings
More information (in Finnish): Monitieteinen jatkokoulutusseminaari Laituri
More information about the seminars held 4.9., 16.10., 14.11. ja 4.12.
Please contact Niina Junttila (niina.junttila@utu.fi) if you would like to participate.
Language: Finnish (English if needed)
Person in charge: Niina Junttila
Other organisers: Miia Tuominen
The themes of the seminar are related to educational psychology, and to general education. The research covers age groups from primary education to adult education focusing on learning and teaching in various learning environments. The research topics cover, for instance, specific questions related to different subject domains, as well as research themes related to motivation and well-being.
Postgraduate students take turns presenting their own work, from data collection plans to the final stage of the dissertation. That is, if necessary, everyone brings their own work to others for comment and discussion at a different stage.
Please contact the person in charge to inquire the meeting dates.
Language: finnish/english
Person in charge: Marjaana Veermans
Research and research methods on mathematical development and instruction (MA and PhD studies, research-related topics in the Mathematical Learning Research Group, guest talks by scholars).1 or 2 presentations and joint discussion in the seminar. Seminar is open for all who work with similar topics.
For further information and seminar schedule for autumn 2024, please contact the person in charge.
Language: English
Person in charge: Minna Hannula-Sormunen
Other organisers: Jake McMullen, Erno Lehtinen
My doctoral students work extensively on the themes of learning and teaching - most do article dissertations. Dissertation supervision focuses extensively on the various stages of article dissertations.
Please contact the person in charge to inquire the meeting dates.
Person in charge: Mirjamaija Mikkilä-Erdmann
About attending seminars, please contact Tuike Iiskala. The working language of the seminar is flexibly Finnish or English. Welcome!
Other seminars
You are warmly welcome to a collaborative writing workshop. In the workshop, you can work on your article manuscript, grant application, research plan, conference abstract/presentation, blog post or any other text. The idea is to provide an opportunity to focus on writing in a quiet atmosphere.
The invitation is for all staff members (e.g. research and teaching staff, doctoral students) in both campuses (Turku and Rauma). Schedule will be posted in Faculty's e-mail list. If you are interested in the collaborative writing workshop or you have ideas concerning the workshop, please contact Tuike Iiskala (tuike.iiskala@utu.fi) or Pilvi Heinonen (pilvi.heinonen@utu.fi). Welcome!
CERLI Teaching and teacher education -reading circles
The group Teaching and Teacher Education organises reading circles. To attend the events, please contact Mirva Heikkilä (mirva.heikkila@utu.fi).
Turku EyeLabs is a community of researchers applying eye-tracking in research on cognition and learning. The multidisciplinary community aims to support eye-tracking research by sharing know-how on designing experiments, use of different equipment, and applications of various types of analytical tools. Turku EyeLabs coordinators and researchers organize open-to-all meetings and method demonstrations. The content of each meeting is based on the needs of the community members – they may include presenting and discussing research plans, asking for method advice, rehearsing conference talks, or the like.
Language: english/ finnish (depending on the participants)
Persons in charge: Marjaana Puurtinen ja Johanna Kaakinen