CELE Research Group for Higher and Adult Education (AHE)
The research group gathers together researchers who are interested in higher and adult education in the societal, political and cultural context. Different types, forms and levels of education is examined in the contexts of global and national education policy and societal transformations. Theoretically, the research relies on sociological, socio-historical and socio-cultural research traditions as well as policy studies. Both quantitative and qualitative methods are applied. The research involves issues of equity and social justice when possible. The main research fields cover: 1) policy and governance of HE and lifelong learning, 2) Access and widening the participation, 3) Student engagement and agency, 4) Educational pathways and career trajectories, 5) Working life research and academic work, and 6) Governmentality and the formation of ideal subjects in educational settings and wider society.
The AHE group supports doctoral thesis writing, postdoctoral careers, academic publishing and public dissemination of research results.
Current research project:
Living on the Edge: Lifelong learning, Governmentality and the Production of Neurotic Citizen (ONELLL), 2020-2024
Recently ended projects:
Changing University Institution and Equalities in Academic Work, 2021-2022
Higher Education Graduates' Employability and Social Positioning in the Labour Market (HighEmploy), 2018-2022
Alternative Paths to University (TRY), 2018-2020
Research Group Members
Group leaders:
Ulpukka Isopahkala-Bouret, Professor
Päivi Siivonen, Associate Professor
Arto Jauhiainen, Professor Emeritus
Heikki Silvennoinen, Professor
Masroor Alam, Doctoral Researcher
Paulina Chavez Rodrigues, Doctoral Researcher
Gabriel Ezechukwu, Doctoral Researcher
Kalypso Filippou, University Lecturer
Nina Haltia, University Research Fellow
Annukka Jauhiainen, University Lecturer
Suvi Jokila, Postdoctoral Researcher
Anna Jolkkonen, Doctoral Researcher
Yoojin Kim, Doctoral Researcher
Heikki Kinnari, Senior Researcher
Meri Kotamäki, Doctoral Researcher
Hanna Laalo, Postdoctoral Researcher
Mervi Lahtomaa, Doctoral Researcher
Anne Laiho, University Lecturer
Outi Lietzén, Doctoral Researcher
Hanna Nori, University Research Fellow
Raakel Plamper, Doctoral Researcher
Sangge Qi, Doctoral Researcher
Tiina Tuijula, University Lecturer
Markku Vanttaja, University Research Fellow
Somang Yeo, Doctoral Researcher