Keyword: Department of Biology

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New Research Council of Finland funding to unravel the wide-ranging impact of glyphosate on ecosystems and pollinators


Glyphosate, a widely-used chemical compound in herbicides and its wide-ranging impacts on ecosystems and pollinators will be the research focus at the University of Turku. In their proposals, the researchers highlight the importance of comprehensively understanding the problem and stress the significance of collaboration between researchers, farmers and decision-makers to address the issue effectively. The research has received significant funding from the Research Council of Finland and Sakari Alhopuro Foundation.

Grannies protected against infections in historical Finland


Researchers from the University of Turku and the Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology investigated the role of grandmothers in preventing childhood mortality from infectious diseases in 18th and 19th century Finland. According to the study, grandmothers decreased all-cause and cause-specific mortality of children.

Current marine heat waves could increase short-term resistance of fish towards warm waters, but this capacity might be damaged by long-term temperature increase with climate change in Baltic Sea (Dissertation defense: MSc Giovanna Mottola, 30.9.2022, animal physiology)

After conducting a research on fish populations in the Baltic sea,  Doctoral Candidate MSc Giovanna Mottola found that some fish can still survive from current summer heat waves. But according to the research the general increase of temperature due to climate change all the year around can threaten this capacity.