Keyword: Doctoral Programme in Exact Sciences (EXACTUS)

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New doctoral research sheds new light on how quasars are formed

Quasars are extremely luminous galaxies and their light is produced by a supermassive black hole at their center, which is actively feeding on the cosmic gas and dust around it. Previous theories have suggested that quasars and their supermassive black holes are formed when galaxies collide, but a recent doctoral thesis at the University of Turku shows that quasars can form even in the absence of galaxy interactions.

Doctoral Programme in Exact Sciences - For the current doctoral researcher

The Doctoral Programme in Exact Sciences (EXACTUS) is responsible for the doctoral education in applied mathematics, astronomy, chemistry, materials science, mathematics, physics, statistics and theoretical physics. EXACTUS offers its doctoral researchers support, organises events, and awards travel grants and grants for completing a doctoral degree.