Keyword: InFLAMES Flagship

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Nobel Laureate Sir Peter Ratcliffe: Researcher, Find Your Own Question


There are approximately 40 trillion cells in the human body and every one of them needs oxygen to survive. If the oxygen level drops, the cells must be able to sense the change and adapt to it. Sir Peter Ratcliffe discovered how this adaptation occurs. The discovery earned Ratcliffe and his associates the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2019. Ratcliffe visited the University of Turku 25 August. 

Professor Westermarck from the University of Turku Nominated as a Member of the Board of the European Cancer Organisations


Professor of Cancer Biology at the University of Turku, InLAMES Flagship Director Jukka Westermarck has been nominated as a member of the European Association for Cancer Research (EACR) executive board. EACR is Europe's largest association promoting cancer research and has more than 10,000 members worldwide.

InFLAMES Corporate Corner: diagnostics are being developed together with companies


– Developing new diagnostic methods for detection and treatment of various diseases are key objectives of the InFLAMES Research Flagship. Collaboration with companies is invaluable to achieve this goal. The next InFLAMES Corporate Corner discusses on how the University and companies are already facilitating the cooperation and what more is needed, both from us and the diagnostics companies, to make the process even smoother” says InFLAMES Project Manager Kaisa Hakkila.

Turku PET Centre Introduces New Total-Body PET Scanner


The new total-body PET scanner has been introduced at the Turku PET Centre. This new generation of medical imaging devices offers novel methods for studying diseases that affect the entire body, not only a single organ. Such diseases include diabetes, coronary artery disease, and multiple sclerosis. For the patient, being able to use the new device means a lower amount of radiation and a shorter scanning time.