Keyword: tietoaineistot

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Artstor moves to JSTOR platform


Artstor is a database of over 2 million images from museums, archives, scholars and artists. The purpose of its use is teaching and research and it provides tools for watching, mastering and presenting images. In 2024 Artstor will move to JSTOR platform.

Open Access publishing when negotiations with publishers on new agreements are under way


The FinELib Consortium for acquisition of e-resources is still in the middle of negotiations with several publishers of scientific journals. Apart from the journals of the ACS, users can so far read the newest journals of these publishers although the new agreements are not finished yet. During the negotiations, open access publishing varies by publisher.

Explore the Education Source Ultimate database


Education Source Ultimate is a comprehensive full-text database of educational articles designed for students, researchers, professionals, and decision-makers in the field of education. The coverage of educational research extends to all levels of education and includes specialized areas within education, ranging from education assessment and ethics to education technology, literacy, research methodology, and much more.

Elsevier’s Resources are Widely Used


Elsevier's multidisciplinary science journals and books are widely used by students and staff at the University of Turku. A review of Elsevier's database usage figures shows the three most used Elsevier journals and books and usage of the abstract and citation database Scopus at the University of Turku.