Keyword: English

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Current Intersections of Culture, Language and Wellbeing Seminar


14.5.2024 at 14.00 - 16.00
The Research Centre for Culture and Health at the University of Turku explores the connections between culture, health, and illness from a multidisciplinary perspective. It is interested in all aspects of research and education relating to health and culture from pedagogical, narrative, artistic...

Material text seminar VI


10.5.2023 at 16.15 - 18.00
The next Material Text Seminar takes place via Zoom on 10 May 2023, 16.00–18.00 EEST (UTC+3). Programme 16.15 Opening words 16.20 Johanna Skurnik (University of Helsinki): ‘Thinking about the Materiality of Maps’ 16.50 Noah Millstone (University of Birmingham): ‘Judging Books in Early Modern Europe...

Studying at the Department of English

Department of English at the University of Turku is multidisciplinary in its teaching and research. Our expertise ranges from modern language studies and discourse analysis to literature, history of linguistics and book history, second language teaching and translation. North American Studies and collaboration with the John Morton Center at our university create a strong basis for cultural studies. 

Department of English

Welcome to the website of the English Department! Here you will find information on how to become a student at the department as well as about our staff and research. If you are already a student at the University of Turku, please log on to our intranet site for more info on studying with us.



The Department of English has learnt with great sadness of the death of Gerald Doherty, who taught in the Department as Lecturer from 1972 to his retirement in 1994.