Keyword: University Communications

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James Grime Popularises Mathematics


Codes are like a sealed box with a message inside. The sender and the receiver hold the key to the box. If the key ends up in the hands of a stranger, he or she must figure out how to open the box.

​ James Grime giving a talk on mathematics for the University of Turku staff and students

Finnish Language Clinic Was Chosen as the Language Deed of the Year


On 26 September 2014, the University of Turku working group on language matters chose the Finnish Language Clinic as the University of Turku Language Deed of the Year. The reward is addressed to the Head of the Clinic, Finnish Language and Culture for Foreigners Lecturer Kirsti Siitonen for the work she has done to promote the development of the language environment at the University.

Training Cooperation with Twin Town Tianjin


The University of Turku signed student exchange agreements with the universities of Nankai and Tianjin in China. The purpose is to strengthen research and teaching contacts and increase the export of know-how.

Popular Culture Studies Launched at the University of Turku


The School of History, Culture and Arts Studies of the University of Turku established the Popular Culture Studies Master’s Degree Pathway on Tuesday, 9 September, with This is Popular seminar.

​Susanna Paasonen presented the Popular Culture Studies programme.

Bacteria May Provide the Key to Sustainable Energy


Researchers from the University of Turku have genetically engineered microbes to produce renewable propane for the first time. Their study was published this week in Nature Communications. Propane is a major component of liquid petroleum gas (LPG) with an existing global market for a wide number of applications.

New Exchange Students Arrived to the University


The orientation for the new exchange students started on Wednesday, 28 August 2014. Over three hundred students from about 40 countries started their studies in the University of Turku this autumn term.