Keyword: University Communications

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Functional Foods Forum Turns 15 – Interplay of Senses Explored in Seminar


The Functional Foods Forum (FFF) at the University of Turku has conducted research on food for 15 years already. Their research on multisensory experiences, such as how listening to music can affect the sense of taste, was the starting point for a seminar organised in Turku in October 2018. In the event, various researchers and artists discussed the practical applications of sensory perception research.

New Study Shows that Mothers Prefer Daughters and Fathers Prefer Sons


Finnish-American research group has studied whether parents’ gender preferences and investment in offspring are affected by their status, wealth, education or childhood environment. Instead, parental preferences were best predicted by their sex. These results help to make sense of the often contradictory findings on offspring sex preferences.


University of Turku Awarded Title of Fairtrade University


The University of Turku has received the Fairtrade University title. The title was awarded to the University for committing to promoting ethical trade and making more ethical purchases. The title was awarded by Fairtrade Finland.

Amazon Research Team Wants to Open Its Collections


The University of Turku's Amazon Research Team's (UTU-ART) botanical acquisitions focus especially on ferns and medinilla plants. After spending weeks in the jungle, the researchers’ plant specimen findings end up in the University's Herbarium and databases. The Amazonia is home to innumerable unknown species and therefore it is important to develop the databases.

​A specimen belonging to the Amazon Research Team's collections

Exporting project-based learning to Egypt


Staff members of Egyptian universities and VET-schools participated in a pedagogical and management training for project based learning in Turku. The training was organized by University of Turku and Machine Technology Center Turku. The aim of the training was to encourage the teachers to use project-based learning as a part of teaching and to develop the soft skills of the students.

​The participants and teachers of the training.

Russian-Finnish Collaboration in Drug Development Productive


On Thursday 25 October, a Russian-Finnish symposium presenting the countries’ collaboration in drug development was organised for the fifth time. During the symposium, presentations on collaboration projects and the possibilities and challenges of the present and the future of the drug industry were given.

Historic Voyage to Mercury Has Begun – High Technology from Turku aboard


The BepiColombo orbiters were launched into space on Saturday, 20 October 2018 from Europe’s Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana. Journeying to the innermost and smallest planet of our Solar System, the orbiters are carrying Finnish high technology with them. Head of Space Research Laboratory at the University of Turku, Professor Rami Vainio has been responsible for the particle detector of the SIXS instrument aboard the Bepi orbiter.