Keyword: Cultural memory and social change

This page displays contents related to the keyword.

Narrative Warfare: Storytelling, Experientiality and Memory in the Era of a New World Order


In order to understand how Russia’s war in Ukraine is possible, it is important to analyse what kind of narratively mediated view of reality, conception of history, and national identity the Russian state-owned media has built and sustained for years. Competing narratives also play a central role in other major global crises of our times, such as the pandemic and ecological crisis. Cultural narratives shape social reality and they can be used as a weapon in moulding public opinion.

Registration open for the seminar "Sustainability and Academic Research – UTU Researchers Contributing to Sustainability"


Welcome to the seminar "Sustainability and Academic Research – UTU Researchers Contributing to Sustainability" on 4th June. Faced with a multitude of challenges ranging from the COVID-19 pandemic and global environmental crisis to a variety of risks pointed out by for example the third citizens’ panel on sustainable development in Finland, the presenters and audience are invited to share their thoughts and insights on sustainability and academic research. Registration is open until 2nd June.