Keyword: Finnish Doctoral Program in Oral Sciences (FINDOS Turku)

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FINDOS Symposium 2019 - experts in cranial and maxillofacial surgery gathered in Turku


The 10th FINDOS Symposium, organised by the Finnish Doctoral Programme in Oral Sciences (FINDOS-Turku), was held at the Institute of Dentistry at the University of Turku on 9.–10.5.2019. Talks were given on craniofacial reparative surgery, and on how new biomaterials, use of 3D modelling techniques, and advancements in stem cell research enable increasingly better patient outcomes.

Faleh Abushahba Wins Nordic Hatton Award


Doctoral Candidate Faleh Abushahba from the Finnish Doctoral Programme in Oral Sciences (FINDOS-Turku) won the NOF Nordic Hatton Award competition. The competition was organised in Madrid 19–20 September as a part of the CED-IADR/NOF conference on oral sciences.

Finnish Doctoral Programme in Oral Sciences - for the Doctoral researchers

FINDOS-Turku doctoral researchers are privileged to participate in an excellent doctoral training program including basic and advanced research courses in oral science as well as extensive transferable skills courses offered by the doctoral program, FINDOS network and UTUGS. The goal is to achieve the doctoral degree from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Turku in four years net time. In addition to the supervisor, the progress of the doctoral researcher is supported by a carefully selected follow-up group and FINDOS.

Finnish Doctoral Programme in Oral Sciences (FINDOS Turku)

We make experts in oral sciences!

The Finnish Doctoral Programme in Oral Sciences (FINDOS-Turku) represents all fields of Oral Sciences and brings together preclinical and clinical researchers to encourage the exchange of knowledge and ideas and to support translational Dental research.