Finnish Doctoral Programme in Oral Sciences - for the Doctoral researchers

FINDOS-Turku doctoral researchers are privileged to participate in an excellent doctoral training program including basic and advanced research courses in oral science as well as extensive transferable skills courses offered by the doctoral program, FINDOS network and UTUGS. The goal is to achieve the doctoral degree from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Turku in four years net time. In addition to the supervisor, the progress of the doctoral researcher is supported by a carefully selected follow-up group and FINDOS.


The purpose of the FINDOS-Turku doctoral programme is to provide high quality and well structured doctoral training in the different fields of oral sciences. In addition, the programme is aimed at facilitating contacts between the doctoral researchers and research groups in the field of oral sciences. These networks bring depth and motivation to the PhD work.

Training and teaching in FINDOS are based on locally organized regular seminars and journal clubs complemented with joint annual symposia, summer schools and research training courses. The program invites both doctoral researchers and their supervisors to jointly participate in seminars, thematic symposia with international partners, laboratory-oriented methodology workshops, summer schools and journal clubs.


Welcome to postgraduate studies at the University of Turku, the Faculty of Medicine and the Finnish Doctoral Programme in Oral sciences!

The University of Turku Graduate School UTUGS is responsible for the development of doctoral education and provides support for doctoral researchers during doctoral training: UTUGS - for Doctoral Researcher

Faculty of Medicine grants the right to study for doctoral degree, approves the entity of doctoral studies as a part of the doctoral degree, approves the doctoral thesis and issues the degree certificate: Doctoral Training at the Faculty of Medicine

Welcome to Turku

Welcome to the University of Turku

Turku Campus

Student life in Turku

Services and support for international staff and researchers

General instructions for doctoral studies

At the beginning


In the final stage

Postgraduate studies

Information on Postgraduate Studies at the Faculty of Medicine

Courses and seminars in Turku

Courses organized by the partners in the National FINDOS network

Applying for study credits

Attendance to postgraduate courses, scientific seminars, conferences etc. organized outside UTU can be accepted as part of your postgraduate studies with an electronic form which you can find in UGIS portal (if you have been granted the right to study for a doctoral degree after 1 January 2013).

 > UGIS portal > Links > Apply for study credit / Tohtorikoulutuksen opintosuorituksen rekisteröinti

Follow-up committee meeting and annual progress report

The progress of the doctoral researchers in FINDOS is evaluated annually by the follow-up group (annual follow-up committee meeting) and by the FINDOS doctoral programme (annual progress report). The progress of the thesis work and the result of the follow-up committee meeting should be stated in the annual progress report.

Follow-up committee meeting

The annual follow-up committee meeting is convened by the doctoral researcher. The follow-up committee will monitor the progress of the doctoral researcher’s PhD project until the dissertation.

Annual progress report

In order to maintain an active study right, a doctoral researcher is required to enrol every year, either as an attending or a non-attending student. As an attending student, a doctoral researcher is required to hand in an annual progress report (electronic form) to their doctoral programme in January. In addition, the doctoral researcher's supervisor must express support for maintaining an active study right.

Instructions of the Faculty of Medicine on Follow-up Committee Meeting and Annual Progress Report

Additional information on the aims, members and meetings of the follow-up committee as well as on annual reporting is available under section 4.4 (Follow-up committee for doctoral training and annual reporting) of the Faculty of Medicine´s Study guide for doctoral training 2022–2024.pdf

Dissertation process and graduation

Instructions for the dissertation process are available at the UGIS portal and the whole process is carried out in the portal. Further instructions at the Faculty of Medicine website.

Nervous of oral presentations or your thesis defense?

We have listed some tips for you below

1.    You are not the only one being scared of keeping oral presentations including the thesis defense, so you are not alone. Talk to your doctoral researcher mates, colleagues and supervisor(s) - you probably find (peer) support surprisingly easy!

2.    Practice giving scientific presentations from the very beginning of your studies. First, start in a safe environment: give a talk related to your thesis work to your friends, family or fellow doctoral researcher. You can tell them that you are not a big fan of giving presentations and would like to be supported in this issue. Second, take part to eConference and give a presentation there. Finally, when you feel ready, give a scientific presentation to live audience in a conference or seminar series.

3.    Do not forget to register to the FINDOS Annual Meeting and give a short presentation there. Also, the FINDOS-Turku seminar series is a great place to practise giving presentations.

4.    Get familiar with the defense process.

  • Go listening to the dissertations of your own field.
  • Read the guidelines for the dissertation defense so that you know what to expect. Link to dissertation guidelines.

5.    Remember that you can contact University of Turku Study Psychologist ( or, if you are employed by UTU, use the services of Occupational Health Care Psychologist of Mehiläinen to get help.

6.    Tell your supervisor that you are nervous. You can together find solutions such as selecting an emphatic opponent.

7.    Tips for the actual dissertation defense:

  • Before the dissertation defense: Practice keeping your lectio praecursoria and get feedback to it from your supervisor and friends. Visit in the defense lecture hall beforehand to get to know the place, how lights are functioning and so on.
  • Beginning of the event: While keeping lectio praecursoria focus on the friendly faces of your friends or family. Remember to breath. Deep breathing calms the body’s stress reaction.
  • Examination of the dissertation: Remember to continue breathing. If you do not know what to answer your opponent right away, start by saying “What an excellent question, I have to think about the answer a bit.”
  • After the dissertation defense: Celebrate - it is over! PhD is a great achievement!
FINDOS-Turku steering committee

The term of office: 1.8.2021-31.7.2025

Professor Ulvi Gürsoy 

Professor Arzu Tezvergil-Mutluay (Deputy Director)
Professor Timo Närhi
Professor Hanna Thorén
Professor Klaus Elenius
Professor Pekka Vallittu (InFLAMES)
Professor Satu Lahti
Adjunct professor Vuokko Loimaranta
Adjunct professor Jaana Willberg
Doctoral Researcher Katri Palo (Deputy Member Doctoral Researcher Hanna Suokko) 

Secretary, Coordinator Maiju Kannisto

Neslihan Yilmaz
Doctoral training in FINDOS provides perfect research facilities and international collaborations that helps me to become a better researcher.
Neslihan Yilmaz, FINDOS-Turku, Periodontology