Keyword: Doctoral Programme in Nursing Science (DPNurs)

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Doctoral Programme in Nursing Science - Admission Criteria and Instructions for Applicants

The next application period for the right to study for a doctoral degree and/or for a fixed-term Doctoral Researcher position under an employment contract will be from 28 August - 13 September 2024. The right to study for a doctoral degree at the University of Turku will start on 1 January 2025. The position of a Doctoral Researcher is set to begin on 1 January 2025 at the earliest and for the duration of a maximum of four years.

Doctoral Programme in Nursing Science (DPNurs)

The Doctoral Programme in Nursing Science (DPNurs) provides systematic doctoral education in the field of the nursing science. DPNurs educates high-level researchers and experts in nursing science who promote innovative and scientifically competent research in different fields of nursing science, nursing and health care.