Doctoral Programme in Nursing Science - Admission Criteria and Instructions for Applicants

The next application period for the right to study for a doctoral degree and/or for a fixed-term Doctoral Researcher position under an employment contract will be from 28 August - 13 September 2024. The right to study for a doctoral degree at the University of Turku will start on 1 January 2025. The position of a Doctoral Researcher is set to begin on 1 January 2025 at the earliest and for the duration of a maximum of four years.

The right to study for a doctoral or licentiate thesis degree can be applied for twice a year: in the spring and in the autumn. In the autumn call it is also possible to apply for a a fixed-term Doctoral Researcher position under an employment contract.

Call for applications autumn 2024

Hakuilmoitus syksy 2024

For the applicant

Admission criteria

What is expected of you

When applying for a right to study:

When applying for a fixed-term Doctoral Researcher position under an employment contract:

  • You are required to have an active right to study in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Turku. If you have not yet been granted a right to study, you must apply for a right to pursue a doctoral degree by filling in an electronic form in My Studyinfo service (for details, please, see the section “How to apply the right to study for a doctoral degree”). A right to study is a prerequisite for an applicant to be chosen for a fixed-term Doctoral Researcher position under an employment contract;
  • You are planning to pursue or pursuing your first doctoral degree;
  • You have not previously been granted full-time four-year funding for pursuing a doctoral degree.
The first step
Please read carefully the general application instructions of the Faculty of Medicine

How to Apply for Doctoral Training at the Faculty of Medicine | University of Turku (

Especially pay attention to these instructions when applying: Before applying / Doctoral training at the Faculty of Medicine

Consent of the head of the doctoral programme

Before applying for the right to study for doctoral or licentiate degree the applicants shall contact the Director of DPNurs, Professor Riitta Suhonen (email as early as possible to confirm that the applicant’s research theme ties in with the Department´s research areas (initial contact preferably by e-mail). Please attach a tentative research plan and a CV to the email. In addition, for doctoral degree, it is advisable to contact the head of the research programme at the Department of Nursing Science that work in the field of your research interest.

The supervisor

A prerequisite for admission is that there is at least one person who has agreed to act as a supervisor and who fulfills the qualification requirements for supervisors . Finding a supervisor is the responsibility of the applicant.

Please read carefully the current requirements on the Faculty of Medicine's instructions webpage.

The follow-up committee for doctoral training 
  • The follow-up committee ensures progress of the doctoral researcher's thesis work and studies, provides an external perspective on the research, and supports both researcher and supervisor(s).
  • The follow-up committee comprises of supervisors and 1-3 other researchers familiar with the research topic, one of whom must be from outside the doctoral researcher's own group.
  • The applicant negotiates with their supervisor(s) to assemble the follow-up committee and agrees with the members of the committee on annual monitoring practices.
Application period and what can be applied for

In the spring and autumn you can apply for the right to study. 

Salaried positions can only be applied for during the autumn application period.

In addition, one can apply for the right to complete a licentiate degree. The licentiate's degree includes a licentiate thesis, in which the postgraduate student demonstrates good understanding with his/her field of research and preparedness to independently and critically apply the methods of scientific research.

During the application period 28 August – 13 September 2024, you can apply for:

a)     the right to study for a doctoral degree in the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Turku from 1 January 2025 onwards

b)    a fixed-term Doctoral Researcher position under an employment contract 

The position of a Doctoral Researcher is set to begin on 1 January 2025 at the earliest and for the duration of a maximum of four years (up to until 31 December 2028). The positions are intended for full-time doctoral dissertation research. Duties other than those related to doctoral dissertation research, such as teaching duties, must be proportioned so as not to compromise the completion of the doctoral dissertation within the planned schedule. As a rule, up to 5% (a maximum of about 80 hrs per academic year) of the annual working time of the doctoral researcher can consist of teaching.

When determining the length of the employment contract, prior funding granted for pursuing a doctoral degree is taken into account. The maximum length for a Doctoral Researcher position is four years. A person already awarded a doctoral degree cannot be chosen as a Doctoral Researcher under an employment contract.

The Doctoral Researcher works at the Department of Nursing Science. The employment contract of a Doctoral Researcher requires residence in Finland.

The salary is based on the salary system of the university’s teaching and research staff. It consists of a task-specific salary component and a personal performance salary component. The task-specific salary component of a Doctoral Researcher is at level 2–4. The personal performance component, added on top of the task-specific base salary is also paid. For a doctoral researcher, the salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience and will be approximately 2400–3300 €/month, depending on the progress of the doctoral project. The position has a probationary period of six months. A probationary period of six months applies.

c)    both of the above (a and b).

d)    the right to complete a licentiate degree.

How to apply? Application and instructions

Please note, that when applying for both the right to study and a fixed-term doctoral researcher position, you will need to fill in the application with the required attachments to the separate online systems (see more information below). The right to study for a doctoral degree is applied for by filling in an electronic form in the My Studyinfo service and the fixed-term doctoral researcher positions are applied for by filling in an electronic form in the University of Turku recruitment system (TalentAdore). For both applications you will need to attach the required additional documents (in English and in PDF format). The required attachments are specified below.

How to apply for the right to study for a doctoral degree

The right to study for a doctoral degree is applied for by filling in an electronic form in My Studyinfo service and submitting the required attachments 1-9 (listed below). The form will be accessible as the application period begins on 28 August 2024 and closes at 4 pm (local time in Finland) on 13 September 2024. Link to the University of Turku Graduate School web page, where the application form can be found.

During one application round the applicant may apply to a maximum of two doctoral programmes at the University of Turku. You can only have one valid study right at a time for a doctoral degree at the University of Turku.

Applications that arrive after the application period has ended will not be processed. When the application period has ended, you cannot change the doctoral programme you are applying for, or any other information. 

In My Studyinfo service, you can only apply for the right to study a doctoral degree. If you also want to apply for a fixed-term doctoral researcher position under an employment contract, you must apply for that position separately (for details, please, see the sectionHow to apply the fixed-term doctoral researcher position under an employment contract).

How to apply for a fixed-term Doctoral Researcher position under an employment contract

The fixed-term doctoral researcher position under an employment contract is applied for by filling in an electronic form in the University of Turku recruitment system (TalentAdore) and submitting the required attachments 1–4 (listed below). The form will be accessible as the application period begins on 28 August 2024 and closes at 4 pm (local time in Finland) on 13 September 2024.

The positions are announced at the beginning of the application period in the Open Vacancies at the University of Turku website and on the website of the Graduate School. Link to the University of Turku Graduate School web page, where the application form can be found. All required attachments must be submitted before the end of the application period. Applications that arrive after the application period has ended will not be processed. The application documents will not be returned to the sender.

Attachments to the application:

  1. Research plan, max 5 pages (research plan instructions)

    The research plan should follow the guidelines for the responsible conduct of research (see Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) | Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK). The research plans can be checked with the Turnitin OriginalityCheck plagiarism detection software. The use of artificial intelligence (AI) to assist in the preparation of the research plan should be clearly indicated in the research plan.

  2. Progress and resource plan (instructions)
  3. Curriculum Vitae of the applicant (Please see the instructions of Finnish National Board on Research Integrity (TENK) for writing a CV
  4. List of publications (following the instructions of the Academy of Finland)
  5. Supervision and study plan (fill in electronically, print and sign together with the supervisor/-s and the head of subject)
  6. Degree certificates and transcripts of study records

    a) If you have completed your former degree(s) that make you eligible for doctoral studies at a higher education institution in Finland, you must attach your scanned original degree certificates, transcripts of study records and other educational documents which may be of relevance in the selection to the electronic application form.

    b) If you have completed your former degree(s) that make you eligible for doctoral studies at a higher education institution abroad (i.e. outside of Finland), you must attach the following items to the electronic application form:

    a. scanned original degree certificates (in the language that the degree was completed in)

    b. scanned original transcripts of study records (in the language that the degree was completed in)

    c. scanned other original educational documents which may be of relevance in the student selection and that you are applying based on.

    If the original degree certificates or transcripts of study records are not written in English, Finnish or Swedish, official translations to one of these languages must also be submitted. An official translation here refers to a translation of the educational documents issued by the awarding institution and a translation made by an authorised translator. A transcript in English can be replaced by a Diploma Supplement (DS) awarded by a European educational institution, provided that it contains the information about completed courses and other study attainments.

    Please make sure that all attachments are good-quality, easy to read, full colour scans or photographs of the complete required document. Attachments that do not meet these requirements may be rejected.

  7. Verification of language proficiency

    The University of Turku follows the Rector’s decision (15 Aug 2019) on the means of verifying one’s language proficiency. See the language requirements on the webpage of the university’s graduate school.

    If you are required to prove your language proficiency with a language test, a scanned certificate of a completed language test must be attached to the application.

  8. Copy of a valid passport

    Attach a copy of your valid passport or official identification card with photo and information on citizenship. If you have a Finnish personal identity code and you have entered it on the application form, you do not need to attach a copy of your passport.

  9. When only one supervisor for doctoral training is proposed, the supervisor’s justified plea for approval of only one supervisor must be attached to the application.

    See Before applying / Doctoral training at the Faculty of Medicine > Supervision

    How to apply for a licentiate degree

    For the licentiate's degree that includes a licentiate thesis, in which the postgraduate student demonstrates good understanding with his/her field of research and preparedness to independently and critically apply the methods of scientific research. A sufficient number of scientific publications or manuscripts approved for publication fitting to the same research topic and a summary of them or other work that meets similar scientific criteria may also be accepted as licentiate thesis. Publications may also include joint publications, on condition that that the author's independent contribution can be demonstrated in them. After having finished the research entity meant as a licentiate thesis, the postgraduate student delivers the completed manuscript to the faculty ( For more information, please see the Faculty of Medicine study guide for doctoral training 2024-2027  (procedural instructions, PDF). 

    The licentiate degree can be applied for by filling in an electronic form, including the required attachments, in Webropol during the application period (starting 28 August 2024 and closing at 4 pm (local time in Finland) on 13 September 2024).

Assessment of applications

The Steering Committee of the doctoral programme will evaluate the applications. Applications may also be sent for evaluation to national and/or international reviewers. Applicants may be invited to an interview by the DPNurs Steering Committee. The research plans attached to the applications may be checked with the Turnitin OriginalityCheck plagiarism detection software in accordance with the University of Turku quality assurance system.

In the selection process the following issues are emphasized: quality, feasibility and social relevance of the research plan. In addition, the applicant’s merits, completed studies, capability, and motivation to complete a doctoral degree are evaluated.

Please see Evaluation criteria for applications to DPNurs (pdf)

DPNurs tohtoriohjelman hakemusten arviointikriteerit (pdf)

When admitting the right to study for an academic postgraduate degree, the eligibility criteria of the applicant and the selection criteria of the Doctoral Programme in Nursing Science are considered in addition to the above-mentioned criteria.

A prerequisite for admission is that there is at least one person who has agreed to act as a supervisor and who fulfills the qualification requirements for supervisors. In addition, the applicant’s research topic must fit in with the profile of the Doctoral Programme. Before applying / Doctoral training at the Faculty of Medicine | University of Turku (


The Dean/Vice Dean of research affairs of the faculty decides on granting the right to study for a postgraduate degree based on the proposal of the steering committee of the doctoral programme. The Head of the department decides on recruitment of the applicant for the position of a Doctoral Researcher based on the proposal of the steering committee of the doctoral programme.

All applicants will be personally informed about the decisions. The names of the applicants who have been selected for the position of a Doctoral Researcher will be announced on the website of the doctoral programme by 30 November 2024.

An admitted applicant has to notify the University of Turku of their acceptance of the study place by 3:00 pm (UTC +2) on 13 December 2024 according to the instructions given in the admission notification. If the admitted applicant does not give the notification by the end of the allotted time period mentioned above, the applicant forfeits the study place. A person admitted to more than one university or polytechnic degree programme only notifies the one educational institution at which they choose to accept the study place. Notification, i.e. accepting a study place, is binding and may not be cancelled or changed later.

According to Finnish university legislation, an applicant may accept only one study place leading to a higher education degree in Finland during one academic term (autumn term 1 Aug – 31 Dec or spring term 1 Jan – 31 Jul). This rule applies to all higher education, i.e. Bachelor’s and Master’s level degrees awarded by Finnish universities of applied sciences, Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees awarded by Finnish universities, and Licentiate and Doctoral degrees awarded by Finnish universities. This regulation is not applied to study rights received in transfer student selections, from the Åland University of Applied Sciences, from the Police University College, and from institutions of higher education outside Finland.

The applicants who have completed their prior degree in a country other than Finland and who are granted a study right in this call, need to deliver either the original degree certificates or certified copies of the original degree certificates and their translations to the University of Turku, as instructed in the admission notification, on 7 March 2025 at the latest. If the admitted applicant does not deliver the required certificates by the deadline, they forfeit the study right. Instructions on delivering certificates and country-specific requirements.

Appeal for rectification

If an applicant is dissatisfied with the result of the student selection (right to study for a doctoral degree), he/she has the right to submit an application for the rectification of the decision to the Faculty of Medicine within 14 days of the official publishing of the results. Contact information:

  • Check the application period.
  • Read the instructions of the Faculty and the Doctoral Programme carefully.
  • If you are going to verify your language skills with a language test, make sure that you book your test time well in advance. It is the applicant’s responsibility to make their own language test arrangements.
  • Get the required signatures in time and prepare the required attachments.
  • Fill in the electric application form or forms.
  • Remember to apply in time. Applications submitted after the deadline will not be processed.
  • Please keep your original degree certificates and other relevant educational documents at hand during the application process. 

DPNurs Director
Professor Riitta Suhonen   

DPNurs Coordinator
PhD Hanna Heikelä