Keyword: Finland Futures Research Centre (FFRC)

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Are you a Futures Studies Graduate Alumni?


As part of the Finland Futures Research Centre's 30 Year Anniversary Celebrations we are reaching out to connect with you, to see what you are doing now and inviting you to our FFRC Alumni Network, that we are currently developing.

Special Conference Edition of the Finland Futures Research Centre’s Newsletter Futuuri


The 22nd Futures Conference focused on the wide variety of ways people imagine futures and wellbeing in our societies. We invited participants to think of the current changes and challenges in the world in a planetary scale. ‘Planetary Futures of Health and Wellbeing’ conference was organised during 15–17 June 2022 in Turku, Finland and online as a hybrid event.

Futures Consciousness describes what kind of future images we tend to create (Dissertation: M.Soc.Sci. Sanna Ahvenharju, 10.6.2022, Futures studies)


Futures Consciousness highlights how our expectations, assumptions, biases, and attitudes influence the way we see the future and how we respond to it. In her dissertation, Sanna Ahvenharju and colleagues developed a definition of futures consciousness that can be applied to individuals as well as organisations. In addition, they developed a way to measure its manifestation among individuals.