Keyword: Turku School of Economics

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25 Years of Exploring the Futures – Finland Futures Research Centre’s Research Activities Reviewed


Finland Futures Research Centre (FFRC) is one of the few university departments devoted to futures research in the world. Jointly founded by three universities in Turku in 1992, the FFRC is a department within the Turku School of Economics at the University of Turku, Finland. Professors Petri Tapio and Sirkka Heinonen have written a thorough review of futures research in Finland, focusing especially on FFRC. This article has recently been published by the World Futures Review, SAGE Publications.

​Finland Futures Research Centre and Funzi join forces in futures literacy mobile course for youth


The Get that future mobile course is developed based on the 25 years of experience that Finland Futures Research Centre, at the University of Turku, Finland holds in futures education. It delivers the benefits of latest research and best practices swiftly to large target audiences using mobile learning. The course has been created as part of the operations of the UNESCO Chair in Learning Society and Futures of Education.