Keyword: Internal Medicine

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Osallistu FinnGen-tutkimushankkeeseen tutkijana


7.10.2024 at 13.00 - 15.00
Oletko kiinnostunut geneettisestä tutkimuksesta ja haluat olla osa merkittävää tieteellistä projektia? Tule mukaan FinnGen-tutkimushankkeeseen! FinnGen on ainutlaatuinen julkisen ja yksityisen sektorin yhteinen tutkimushanke, joka tähtää sairauksien geneettisten mekanismien parempaan ymmärrykseen ja...

New troponin test improves heart attack diagnostics


A new test has been developed in Turku, Finland, that helps in separating heart attack patients from those whose cardiac troponin values are elevated due to renal insufficiency. Blood sample tests for cardiac troponins are an important cornerstone in the diagnostics of heart attack, but the result may be elevated also due to other transient or chronic conditions, such as renal insufficiency, atrial fibrillation or strenuous physical exercise. The new test may help in identifying myocardial infarction (MI) faster and more specifically and thus improve the treatment of MI patients.

Health through Research: Top-level Atrial Fibrillation Research Conducted in Turku


Atrial fibrillation is one of the greatest challenges in cardiology. The atrial fibrillation research is evidence of cardiological expertise in Turku and the involved parties are the University of Turku, the Turku University Hospital Heart Centre, Turku PET Centre, and the hospitals of the Hospital District of Southwest Finland. A smart phone app for observing atrial fibrillation has been engineered in Turku, and there is more to come. This technology is top-quality on a global scale.

Hypertension Specialist Teemu Niiranen Studies World’s Leading Cause of Disease Burden


Teemu Niiranen has dedicated most of his adult life to studying high blood pressure. His work with hypertension has led to several research projects and changed international clinical guidelines. Turku Collegium for Science and Medicine at the University of Turku has made it possible for Niiranen to establish his own research group.