Keyword: Department of Geography and Geology

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Amazon Research Team Wants to Open Its Collections


The University of Turku's Amazon Research Team's (UTU-ART) botanical acquisitions focus especially on ferns and medinilla plants. After spending weeks in the jungle, the researchers’ plant specimen findings end up in the University's Herbarium and databases. The Amazonia is home to innumerable unknown species and therefore it is important to develop the databases.

​A specimen belonging to the Amazon Research Team's collections

Studying at the Department of Geography and Geology

Studies at Geography give our students a broad professional skill set at the interface between natural and social sciences. Studies at Geology, on the other hand, focus on the structure and evolution of the Earth and the numerous geological processes shaping it.

Department of Geography and Geology

The Department of Geography and Geology is an active and versatile unit which studies the Earth and its dynamic natural and anthropogenic phenomena. We conduct research on several continents and our international collaboration is diverse.

New Landform Discovered from the Depths of Finnish Forest


Scientists have been familiar with Finnish landforms for decades. Now, however, researchers from the University of Turku have discovered a new landform previously unknown to science with the aid of laser technology. After the initial discovery in Finland, similar forms have also been found in Sweden.