group photo taken at summer time

Turku Collegium for Science, Medicine and Technology

Internationally acknowledged postdoctoral research in Science, Medicine and Technology

TCSMT is supported by the Faculty of Science, the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Technology. The aim of TCSMT is to establish a multidisciplinary, interactive research platform for dynamic scientists in science, medicine and technology. 

Research at TCSMT includes studies in the fields of e.g. astronomy, biology, biochemistry, biomedicine, biotechnology, chemistry, clinical medicine, computer science, dentistry, future technologies, geology, geography, information technology, materials science and engineering, mathematics, mechanical engineering, nursing science, physics, and statistics. The goal is to establish TCSMT as an integral and permanent part of the University of Turku.


The Turku Collegium for Science and Medicine (TCSM), was launched with funding from the Consortium comprising the University of Turku and Turku School of Economics. In January 2021 the name of the collegium was changed to the Turku Collegium for Science, Medicine and Technology (TCSMT). 


Turku Collegium for Science, Medicine and Technology selects its researchers through an international competition, which is open to all researchers in the respective fields. The Board for TCSMT selects the new researchers on the basis of their applications.

TCSMT researchers are appointed for fixed-term positions at the University of Turku. They have an opportunity to work in a multidisciplinary research environment of high international standard. TCSMT researchers are also expected to train doctoral researchers and contribute to the teaching at the host department and university. The positions are funded for 3 years at the time. 

Current TCSMT researchers