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Faculty of Education
Faculty of Humanities
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Technology
Independent units
Turku School of Economics
Research at Business Law
Research of Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Statistics
The main research areas of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics include discrete mathematics, theoretical computer science, number...
Health in Early Life and Parenthood
Our research aims to promote health and welfare in the early stages of life. We are interested in families expecting a child, prenatal period, birth, parent-infant...
Research at Quantitative Methods in Management
Research at Accounting and Finance
The key research areas of Accounting and Finance are management accounting, financial accounting and finance.
Research at the Institute of Dentistry
Research at the Institute of Dentistry at the University of Turku has been active, innovative and internationally recognized since the early 1960's. The research...
Research in Biotechnology
Research at the Department of Nursing Science
Nursing Science is a health science discipline that studies health and nursing care from different perspectives. The key focus of nursing science research...
Research at Contemporary History
Contemporary History is a discipline which attempts to make sense of the modern world. In research it has traditionally focused on politics peculiar to modern European...