Research of Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Statistics
The main research areas of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics include discrete mathematics, theoretical computer science, number theory, analysis, optimization, mathematical modelling, insurance mathematics and in statistics latent variable models, methods for cohort and efficacy studies, and themes concerning macro and financial econometrics.
Main research areas of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Function spaces and PDEs
Coding Theory
Fundamentals of Computing and Dynamics
Number Theory
Complex Systems Reseach Group
Time Series Analysis and Econometrics
Computational Biosciences
Latest publications
Increasing trend of antimicrobial resistance among methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains in Southwest Finland, 2007-2016: An analysis of shifting strain dynamics and emerging risk factors (2025)
Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance
(A1 Refereed original research article in a scientific journal)
Partitional Clustering via Nonsmooth Optimization: Clustering via Optimization (2025)
Clustering via Optimization
(C1 Refereed scientific book)
Monitoring arc-geodetic sets of oriented graphs (2025)
Theoretical Computer Science
(A1 Refereed original research article in a scientific journal)
Modulus estimates of semirings with applications to boundary extension problems (2025)
Analysis and Mathematical Physics
(A1 Refereed original research article in a scientific journal)
Nelson algebras, residuated lattices and rough sets: A survey (2024)
Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics
(A1 Refereed original research article in a scientific journal)
Collinearity of points on Poincaré unit disk and Riemann sphere (2024)
Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen
(A1 Refereed original research article in a scientific journal)
Introduction and Systematic Review of the Good Nursing Care Scale (2024)
Journal of Clinical Nursing
(A2 Refereed review article in a scientific journal )
Solutions to some sign change problems on functions involving sums of divisors (2024)
Periodica Mathematica Hungarica
(A1 Refereed original research article in a scientific journal)
Strongly ultrametric preserving functions (2024)
Topology and its Applications
(A1 Refereed original research article in a scientific journal)
Descriptional Complexity of Finite Automata-Selected Highlights (2024)
Fundamenta Informaticae
(A1 Refereed original research article in a scientific journal)