Tomi Westerlund profile picture
University Research Fellow, Robotics and Autonomous Systems
Professor, Robotics and Autonomous Systems


+358 50 343 7684
Vesilinnantie 5


Tomi Westerlund is a professor in robotics and autonomous systems. He is the research group leader of the Turku Intelligent Embedded and Robotics Systems (TIERS) lab at the University of Turku (UTU), Finland. TIERS’s main research interests are in multi-robot systems, autonomous robots and edge computing. The main application areas for TIERS include collaborative and heterogeneous multi-robot systems, localization and mapping of urban and unstructured environments, hardware accelerators for AI (edge AI) and distributed intelligence. In essence, to better understand how robots operate and can perform a variety of functions in different fields like environmental monitoring, delivery, agriculture, and search and rescue missions. Prof. Westerlund is a senior member of IEEE.

Prof. Westerlund is the Programme Director of three International Master’s degree programmes at UTU. The International Master’s Degree Programme in Robotics and Autonomous Systems, the Double Degree Master’s Programme in Robotics and Autonomous Systems between Fudan University (Shanghai, China) and the University of Turku, and the Double Degree Programme in Embedded Systems at UTU that is part of the EIT Digital Master School. The double degree programmes give an excellent place to develop and carry out research on Engineering Education in a truly international setting.

More up-to-date information on research topics and projects as well as teaching activities can be found here:  


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Smart energy efficient gateway for Internet of mobile things (2017)

IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference
Tcarenko Igor, Huan Yuxian, Juhasz David, Rahmani Amir M, Zou Zhuo, Westerlund Tomi, Liljeberg Pasi, Zheng Lirong, Tenhunen Hannu
(Vertaisarvioitu artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa (A4))