Areas of expertise
In 1977, I passed my matriculation examination at "Tampereen lyseo (Rellu)". In the same year I entered the University of Turku to study Romance Philology, and I have also studied Spanish, English and General Linguistics. I graduated with the degree of Licenciate of Philosophy in 2005. I have been working as a Spanish language lecturer since 1998 and permanently since 2006.
In addition to the University of Turku, I have been working as a Spanish teacher in several open colleges and workers' institutes as well at the Turku School of Economics and Business Administration, Turku Secondary School for Adult Education and some enterprises. I have also been a partner in a translation agency.
I am an authorised translator Finnish–Spanish–Finnish and French–Finnish.
At the University of Turku, my area of responsability in the Spanish Department includes teaching in all three levels, i.e., Basic Studies, Intermediate Studies and Advanced Studies. In the Spanish Department, I am responsible for the Degree Programme in Multilingual Translation Studies.
I am interested in translation in general as well as part of adquisition of Spanish as foreign language.