Tiina Holopainen profile picture
Doctoral Researcher, School of Languages and Translation Studies
University Teacher, English, Classics and Multilingual Translation Studies


Arcanuminkuja 1

Areas of expertise

audiovisual translation
subtitling and teaching AVT and subtitling
professional development


I have long-term experience in both the practice and teaching of translation, specifically audiovisual translation. Since August 2013, I have been working full-time at the University of Turku, holding various teaching positions, and since January 2017, on a permanent basis as a University Teacher in Multilingual Translation Studies.

Along with teaching and research, my responsibilities include collaborating with various stakeholders in the translation industry and the society at large. Prior to full-time teaching, I taught Audiovisual Translation courses on a regular basis at the University of Turku, while my main professional activity consisted of full-time freelancing for Yle, the Finnish Broadcasting Company. For further details, see my CV.


I have taught both theoretical and practical translation courses on both BA and MA levels in Finland and abroad (Germany and Russia): My area of expertise is teaching Audiovisual Translation/Subtitling. In addition, I have taught courses in EU Translation, Medical Translation, Interpreting, Sociology of Translation, Translation Studies, Professional Translation Practices. Some of the courses I offer are open also to non-translation students. See my CV.


My current research interests lie in the theory of audiovisual translation, specifically, holistic models for studying audiovisual translation as a process and product. I am currently working on my article dissertation. My first article deals with the concept of Source Text in Audiovisual Translation. Further areas of interest include machine translation and translation as a profession. See my List of Publications and Presentations.


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