Teemu Niiranen profile picture
Professor, Internal Medicine


Areas of expertise

Cardiovascular epidemiology
cohort studies
blood pressure
blood pressure measurement


Teemu Niiranen, MD, PhD, is a physician-scientist and a clinical hypertension specialist with a track record of productivity in hypertension research, successful mentoring, international research grant procurement, and inter-institutional international collaborations. His research on hypertension in large population cohorts has led to >200 publications that are cited by the European, American, British, and Japanese clinical hypertension guidelines. These publications include first- or last-author articles in BMJ, Circulation, European Heart Journal, Nature Communications and JAMA Cardiology.

After finishing his PhD and clinical training, Dr. Niiranen received in-depth training in cardiovascular disease epidemiology and omics during a post-doctoral period at the Framingham Heart Study, the oldest and most prestigious cardiovascular cohort study in the world. After his post-doctoral period, he was selected as one of the new Group Leaders of the University of Turku Collegium of Science and Medicine and in 2020, the professor of internal medicine at the university. He is also employed as a Medical Specialist by the National Institute for Health and Welfare and chairs the work of the Cardiometabolic Clinical Expert Group of the FinnGen study, a project that has genotyped up to 500 000 unique Finnish blood samples and merged this genetic data with nationwide healthcare registers.

Dr. Niiranen has received young investigator awards from the American and Finnish Societies of Hypertension, and the American Heart Association. He is the chair of the Finnish Hypertension Society and is currently mentoring, or has mentored 12 PhD students. He is an editorial board member of Hypertension, the leading journal in hypertension research.


Semester leadership: Fall Semester, Clinical research path for fourth year medical students.

Course leadership: PGS1728: Getting Started with Medical Research (Year 4); PGS1741: Clinical Research Literature Exam (Year 4)

Course teaching: MEDI0117: General Propedeutics (Year 4)

Pedagogic training: Medical Pedagogy course (10 credits)


In addition to general cardiovascular epidemiology, Dr. Niiranen's research has focused on the epidemiology of hypertension in large scale population cohorts. His studies particularly focused on home monitoring of blood pressure and more recently he has moved into examining the relation between hypertension and omics (genome, metagenome and metabolome).


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Early prediction of incident liver disease using conventional risk factors and gut-microbiome-augmented gradient boosting (2022)

Cell Metabolism
Liu Yang, Méric Guillaume, Havulinna Aki S, Teo Shu Mei, Åberg Fredrik, Ruuskanen Matti, Sanders Jon, Zhu Qiyun, Tripathi Anupriya, Verspoor Karin, Cheng Susan, Jain Mohit, Jousilahti Pekka, Vázquez-Baeza Yoshiki, Loomba Rohit, Lahti Leo, Niiranen Teemu, Salomaa Veikko, Knight Rob, Inouye Michael
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))

Cuffless blood pressure measuring devices: review and statement by the European Society of Hypertension Working Group on Blood Pressure Monitoring and Cardiovascular Variability (2022)

Journal of Hypertension
Stergiou George S, Mukkamala Ramakrishna, Avolio Alberto, Kyriakoulis Konstantinos G, Mieke Stephan, Murray Alan, Parati Gianfranco, Schutte Aletta E, Sharman James E, Asmar Roland, McManus Richard J, Asayama Kei, De la Sierra Alejandro, Head Geoffrey, Kario Kazuomi, Kollias Anastasios, Myers Martin, Niiranen Teemu, Ohkubo Takayoshi, Wang Jiguang, Wuerzner Gregoire, O'Brien Eoin, Kreutz Reinhold, Palatini Paolo
(Vertaisarvioitu katsausartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A2))

Sex Differences in Myocardial and Vascular Aging (2022)

Circulation Research
Ji Hongwei W, Kwan Alan C, Chen Melanie T, Ouyang David, Ebinger Joseph E, Bell Susan P, Niiranen Teemu J, Bello Natalie A, Cheng Susan
(Vertaisarvioitu katsausartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A2))

A plasma metabolite score of three eicosanoids predicts incident type 2 diabetes: a prospective study in three independent cohorts (2022)

BMJ open diabetes research and care
Tuomisto Karolina, Palmu Joonatan, Long Tao, Watrous Jeramie D, Mercader Kysha, Lagerborg Kim A, Andres Allen, Salmi Marko, Jalkanen Sirpa, Vasan Ramachandran S, Inouye Michael, Havulinna Aki S, Tuomilehto Jaakko, Jousilahti Pekka, Niiranen Teemu J, Cheng Susan, Jain Mohit, Salomaa Veikko
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))