Professor, Molecular Plant Biology
Areas of expertise
Arabidopsis thaliana
ferredoxin-NADP+ oxidoreductase
photosynthetic electron transfer
I am responsible for the teaching curriculum of Master´s Programme in Biosciences - Molecular Systems Biology track. Additionally, I teach molecular plant biology courses in BSc and MSc programmes.
Photosynthetic reactions capture the energy of sunlight into chemical form. We aim at resolving how acetylation of chloroplast proteins affect light harvesting, quenching of excitation energy, photosynthetic electron transfer and organization of photosynthetic machinery. Recently, we have specifically focused on the identification and characterization of chloroplast acetyltransferases and studied their effects on the dynamics of photosynthetic processes.
Strategies for psbA gene expression in cyanobacteria, green algae and higher plants: From transcription to PSII repair (2012)
BBA - Bioenergetics
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Depletion of leaf-type ferredoxin-NADP plus oxidoreductase results in the permanent induction of photoprotective mechanisms in Arabidopsis chloroplasts (2012)
Plant Journal
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Multiple strategies to prevent oxidative stress in Arabidopsis plants lacking the malate valve enzyme NADP-malate dehydrogenase (2012)
Journal of Experimental Botany
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Chloroplast-targeted ferredoxin-NADP(+) oxidoreductase (FNR): Structure, function and location (2011)
BBA - Bioenergetics
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Nodularin uptake and induction of oxidative stress in spinach (Spinachia oleracea) (2011)
Journal of Plant Physiology
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Membrane attachment of Slr0006 in Synechocystis sp PCC 6803 is determined by divalent ions (2011)
Photosynthesis Research
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Regulatory Subunit B ' gamma of Protein Phosphatase 2A Prevents Unnecessary Defense Reactions under Low Light in Arabidopsis (2011)
Plant Physiology
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Drought stress-induced upregulation of components involved in ferredoxin-dependent cyclic electron transfer (2010)
Journal of Plant Physiology
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Characterization of the substrate-binding PotD subunit in Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803 (2010)
Archives of Microbiology
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New concept for ferredoxin-NADP(H)oxidoreductase binding to plant thylakoids (2010)
Trends in Plant Science
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