Professor, Molecular Plant Biology
Areas of expertise
Arabidopsis thaliana
ferredoxin-NADP+ oxidoreductase
photosynthetic electron transfer
I am responsible for the teaching curriculum of Master´s Programme in Biosciences - Molecular Systems Biology track. Additionally, I teach molecular plant biology courses in BSc and MSc programmes.
Photosynthetic reactions capture the energy of sunlight into chemical form. We aim at resolving how acetylation of chloroplast proteins affect light harvesting, quenching of excitation energy, photosynthetic electron transfer and organization of photosynthetic machinery. Recently, we have specifically focused on the identification and characterization of chloroplast acetyltransferases and studied their effects on the dynamics of photosynthetic processes.
Gel-based proteomic map of Arabidopsis thaliana root plastids and mitochondria (2020)
BMC Plant Biology
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Dual lysine and N-terminal acetyltransferases reveal the complexity underpinning protein acetylation (2020)
Molecular Systems Biology
(A1 Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä lehdessä )
Electron transport pathways in isolated chromoplasts from Narcissus pseudonarcissus L. (2019)
Plant Journal
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Chloroplast Acetyltransferase NSI Is Required for State Transitions in Arabidopsis thaliana (2018)
Plant Cell
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Arabidopsis FNRL protein is an NADPH-dependent chloroplast oxidoreductase resembling bacterial ferredoxin-NADP+ reductases (2018)
Physiologia Plantarum
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Beyond Histones: New Substrate Proteins of Lysine Deacetylases in Arabidopsis Nuclei (2018)
Frontiers in Plant Science
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SBKT® ProBIO-mikrobiseoksen vaikutus Pythium sp. -munasienen kasvuun (2017)
(Artikkeli ammattilehdessä tai kirjoitus ammatillisessa blogissa (D1))
Post-translational Modifications in Regulation of Chloroplast Function: Recent Advances (2017)
Frontiers in Plant Science
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Interaction and electron transfer between ferredoxin-NADP(+) oxidoreductase and its partners: structural, functional, and physiological implications (2017)
Photosynthesis Research
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LIGHT-INDUCED RICE1 Regulates Light-Dependent Attachment of LEAF-TYPE FERREDOXIN-NADP(+) OXIDOREDUCTASE to the Thylakoid Membrane in Rice and Arabidopsis (2016)
Plant Cell
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