Marjut Johansson profile picture
Professor, Digital Language Studies, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Spanish
Head of the School of Languages and Translation Studies


+358 29 450 3318
+358 50 328 9207
Arcanuminkuja 1

Areas of expertise

interactional (socio)linguistics
sociocultural linguistics
discourse analysis
interaction with social robots
digital discourse
computer-mediated communication
political media discourse
language use in professional and expert contexts
multilingualism and language practices
language learning and language expertise


I work as Professor of the French Studies, my expertise is in applied language studies. Since 2017, I serve as the Head of the School of Languages and Translation Studies, University of Turku. 

Previously I have worked as a university teacher and as a lecturer at the Universities of Tampere and Turku, as a visiting scholar at the Université de Provence, France (1997)  and as a senior scientist at the Academy of Finland (2009-2010). 

I have completed MA studies at the Université de Provence and at the University of Turku where I also defended my PhD thesis (2000).


Teaching: courses on discourse and interaction studies as well courses on sociolinguistics,especially on topics related to the French-speaking world,  multilingualism and language policies.
Supervision: Supervision of MA and doctoral theses. I am interested in supervising projects whose theoretical and methodological approaches are related to any of topics described above.


My recent research interests cover three major topics:

1) Interaction based on artificial intelligence, espcially human-robot interaction. The main topic here is child-robot interaction in foreign language learning situations. Read more on the site of RoboLang -research team:
2) Sociopolitical media discourse. I have worked on a variety of topics in socio-political media discourse, including  work that examines transformations of online news discourse, social media discussions, and multimodal digital texts. I have co-edited several volumes and special issues pertaining to these topics: Analyzing Digital Discourses (Johansson, Tanskanen, Chovanec, 2021),Special issue on Mediatizing emotion: Networked Practices of Stance-taking in Reactions to  Global Events and Crises ( Giaxoglou and Johansson, 2020).

3) Language use in professional and expert contexts, multilingualism, language practicies and policies. At present, I work on the research topic of Finnish foreign language education policies, French among other languages.


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Discourses in Interaction (2010)

Pragmatics and Beyond New Series
Tanskanen S, Helasvuo M, Johansson M, Raitaniemi M
(Toimitustyö tieteelliselle lehdelle, kokoomateokselle tai konferenssijulkaisulle (C2))

Préface (2010)

Johansson M, Suomela-Salmi E
(Kirjan tai muun kokoomateoksen osa (B2))