University Lecturer, Research Centre for Child Psychiatry
Post Doctoral Researchers, PhD, MNSc, RN
Mental Health and Wellbeing at Schools: Health Promotion in Primary Schools with the Use of Digital Methods (2021)
(Vertaisarvioitu katsausartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A2))
Design and Development Process of a Youth Depression Screening m-Health Application for Primary Health Care Workers in South Africa and Zambia: An Overview of the MEGA Project (2020)
Issues in Mental Health Nursing
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"It is much more real when it comes from them": The role of experts by experience in the integration of mental health nursing theory and practice (2020)
Perspectives in Psychiatric Care
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Nurses' perceptions of risks for occupational hazards in patient seclusion and restraint practices in psychiatric inpatient care: A focus group study (2020)
International Journal of Mental Health Nursing
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'Meet Me Where I Am': Mental health service users' perspectives on the desirable qualities of a mental health nurse (2020)
International Journal of Mental Health Nursing
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Expert by experience involvement in mental health nursing education: The co-production of standards between Experts by Experience and academics in mental health nursing (2020)
Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing
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Experts by experience in mental health nursing education: What have we learned from the commune project? (2020)
Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing
(B1 Vertaisarvioimaton kirjoitus tieteellisessä lehdessä )
Expert by Experience Involvement in Mental Health Nursing Education: Nursing Students' Perspectives on Potential Improvements (2019)
Issues in Mental Health Nursing
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"But I'm not going to be a mental health nurse": nursing students' perceptions of the influence of experts by experience on their attitudes to mental health nursing (2019)
Journal of Mental Health
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‘There's more to a person than what's in front of you’: Nursing students’ experiences of consumer taught mental health education (2019)
International Journal of Mental Health Nursing
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