Kirsi Laitio profile picture
Project Specialist, Development Projects
FM / M.Sc
TSE Pori: Leads Research group, University of Turku


+358 40 779 9483
Joukahaisenkatu 3-5



Helminen, Reima, Laitio, Kirsi & Veijo Pönni. 2023. Rauman saariston saavutettavuus -selvitys. (Accessibility of the Rauma Archipelago). A commissioned research. City of Rauma.

Laitio, Kirsi. 2019. Maantielauttaliikennepalvelun aikataululausuntojen analyysi. (Analysis of timetable statements related to road ferry service). A commissioned research. Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment of Southwest Finland.


MALAMA (The surface preparation of the surface to be painted in the Marine context) 2023–2025.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Merimerkit (Maritime Network Hub Finland) 2023–2025.

​​​​​​​Kestävän matkailun osaamismerkit (Project on Developing Digital open badges for Sustainable Tourism). 2022–2023

TourNord. 2022–2023.

BLUE-C - Collaborating Costal Communities. 2022–2023.

Human X Factor at Sea – Improving the understranding of the human factors in the current and future digitalized maritime environment to increase maritime safety. 2020–2021.

ResQU2 – Enhancing the durability of learning experiences gained in ChemSAR, HAZARD, DiveSMART Baltic and Mirg-Ex projects on guidelines, operational plans and procedures and exercises related to incidents at sea and in ports. 2018–2021.

ChemSAR – Operational plans and procedures for maritime search and rescue in HNS incidents. 2015–2019.

InLoC – Integrating Logistcs Centre Networks in the Baltic Sea Region. 2004–2007.

NeLoC – Networking Logistics Centres in the Baltic Sea Region. 2001–2004.