Helminen, Reima, Laitio, Kirsi & Veijo Pönni. 2023. Rauman saariston saavutettavuus -selvitys. (Accessibility of the Rauma Archipelago). A commissioned research. City of Rauma.
Laitio, Kirsi. 2019. Maantielauttaliikennepalvelun aikataululausuntojen analyysi. (Analysis of timetable statements related to road ferry service). A commissioned research. Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment of Southwest Finland.
MALAMA (The surface preparation of the surface to be painted in the Marine context) 2023–2025.
Merimerkit (Maritime Network Hub Finland) 2023–2025.
Kestävän matkailun osaamismerkit (Project on Developing Digital open badges for Sustainable Tourism). 2022–2023
TourNord. 2022–2023.
BLUE-C - Collaborating Costal Communities. 2022–2023.
Human X Factor at Sea – Improving the understranding of the human factors in the current and future digitalized maritime environment to increase maritime safety. 2020–2021.
ResQU2 – Enhancing the durability of learning experiences gained in ChemSAR, HAZARD, DiveSMART Baltic and Mirg-Ex projects on guidelines, operational plans and procedures and exercises related to incidents at sea and in ports. 2018–2021.
ChemSAR – Operational plans and procedures for maritime search and rescue in HNS incidents. 2015–2019.
InLoC – Integrating Logistcs Centre Networks in the Baltic Sea Region. 2004–2007.
NeLoC – Networking Logistics Centres in the Baltic Sea Region. 2001–2004.