Docent, Psychology
Areas of expertise
cognitive psychology
psychology of language
visual attention
I received my PhD degree in psychology in 1993 from the University of Turku (Finland), where I now serve as a professor of psychology and the Head of the Department of Psychology and Speech-Language Pathology.
I teach courses on cognitive psychology and psychology of language. I also supervise BA, MA and PhD theses.
My main research focus is on the use of the eye-tracking method to study various visually based cognitive tasks, including, reading and text comprehension, multiple object tracking, attentional capture and recognition of peripherally presented stimuli. The emphasis is on capturing how processing of visual stimuli evolves over time. To date, my most significant scientific contributions have been made to the study of how the eyes (and visual attention) are guided through a written text. In that domain, my studies tap into different levels of written language comprehension – from word recognition via sentence parsing to comprehension of long expository texts. I have also applied the method to study attentional processes and eye guidance during reading. My research has been published in journals such as Journal of Memory and Language, Psychological Science, Cognition, and Cognitive Psychology. I have published more than 120 articles in peer-reviewed journals.
Does vowel harmony affect visual word recognition? Evidence from Finnish. (2021)
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition
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The role of tonal information during spoken-word recognition in Chinese: Evidence from a printed-word eye-tracking study (2021)
Memory and Cognition
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Parafoveal access to word stem during reading: An eye movement study (2021)
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Relevance Instructions Combined with Elaborative Interrogation Facilitate Strategic Reading: Evidence from Eye Movements (2021)
Psicología educativa
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The effects of app-based mindfulness practice on the well-being of university students and staff (2021)
Current Psychology
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Effectiveness of "rescue saccades" on the accuracy of tracking multiple moving targets: An eye-tracking study on the effects of target occlusions (2020)
Journal of Vision
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Tracking the Identity of Moving Words: Stimulus Complexity and Familiarity Affects Tracking Accuracy (2020)
Applied Cognitive Psychology
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Incidental disgust does not cause moral condemnation of neutral actions (2020)
Cognition and Emotion
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Maternal Depressive Symptoms During the Pre‐ and Postnatal Periods and Infant Attention to Emotional Faces (2020)
Child Development
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An eye-tracking study of reading long and short novel and lexicalized compound words (2020)
Journal of Eye Movement Research
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