Director, Turku PET Centre
Professor, Turku PET Centre
InFLAMES Flagship
MD, professor, Turku PET Centre
Cardiovascular diseases, imaging
Juhani Knuuti’s research has focused on the physiology and pathophysiology, diagnosis and new therapies of coronary artery disease, heart failure and metabolic diseases. The research is also focused on developing and utilizing novel noninvasive imaging methods (PET, SPECT, echocardiography, MRI and CT) that will help to determine the risk and severity of CHD and heart failure and provide guidance for therapy decisions. The recent focus in cardiac research has been on vulnerable plaques, cardiac remodelling and multimodality and hybrid imaging. In metabolic and diabetes research, the focus has been in the interactions between different organs and heart in the pathogenesis and development of the cardiac diseases.
Spirometry based respiratory gating method for cardiac PET and MRI imaging (2008)
(Vertaisarvioitu artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa (A4))123 I-mIBG scintigraphy to predict inducibility of ventricular arrhythmias on cardiac electrophysiology testing: a prospective multicenter pilot study. (2008)
Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging
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Correction of Respiratory Motion in Dual Gated Cardiac Imaging in PET/CT (2008)
(Vertaisarvioitu artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa (A4))Positron emission tomography and molecular imaging (2008)
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Effects of intracoronary injection of mononuclear bone marrow cells on left ventricular function, arrhythmia risk profile, and restenosis after thrombolytic therapy of acute myocardial infarction (2008)
European Heart Journal
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Myocardial blood flow and adenosine A(2A) receptor density in endurance athletes and untrained men (2008)
Journal of Physiology
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Myocardial fatty acid metabolism and cardiac performance in heart failure (2008)
Current Cardiology Reports
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Cardiac hybrid imaging with low radiation dose (2008)
Journal of Nuclear Cardiology
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Recommendations or mere prose? Reply (2008)
European Heart Journal
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Effects of trimetazidine on myocardial glucose and fatty acid metabolism and cardiac function in non-diabetic obese humans (2008)
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