Jaakko Rinne profile picture
Professor, Clinical Neurosciences

Areas of expertise

Subarachnoid hemorrhage
intracranial aneurysms and vascular malformations
neurointensive care
normal pressure hydrocephalus
spinal disorders


- MD 1985

- Specialist in neurosurgery 1992

- Research fellow, Yale neurovascular surgery program, Yale university,  New Haven CT, USA 1998-1999

- Docent in neurosurgery, Kuopio university 2000

- Head of the department of neurosurgery, Kuopio university hospital 2001

- Head of the Kuopio Neurocenter 2010

- Head of the department and professor of neurosurgery, Turku university hospital and University of Turku, 2012


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Familial idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus (2016)

Journal of the Neurological Sciences
Huovinen J, Kastinen S, Komulainen S, Oinas M, Avellan C, Frantzen J, Rinne J, Ronkainen A, Kauppinen M, Lonnrot K, Perola M, Pyykko OT, Koivisto AM, Remes AM, Soininen H, Hiltunen M, Helisalmi S, Kurki M, Jaaskelainen JE, Leinonen V
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))

The unruptured intracranial aneurysm treatment score: a multidisciplinary consensus. (2015)

The unruptured intracranial aneurysm treatment score: a multidisciplinary consensus. Etminan N, Brown RD Jr, Beseoglu K, Juvela S, Raymond J, Morita A, Torner JC, Derdeyn CP, Raabe A, Mocco J, Korja M, Abdulazim A, Amin-Hanjani S, Al-Shahi Salman R, Barrow DL, Bederson J, Bonafe A, Dumont AS, Fiorella DJ, Gruber A, Hankey GJ, Hasan DM, Hoh BL, Jabbour P, Kasuya H, Kelly ME, Kirkpatrick PJ, Knuckey N, Koivisto T, Krings T, Lawton MT, Marotta TR, Mayer SA, Mee E, Pereira VM, Molyneux A, Morgan MK, Mori K, Murayama Y, Nagahiro S, Nakayama N, Niemelä M, Ogilvy CS, Pierot L, Rabinstein AA, Roos YB, Rinne J, Rosenwasser RH, Ronkainen A, Schaller K, Seifert V, Solomon RA, Spears J, Steiger HJ, Vergouwen MD, Wanke I, Wermer MJ, Wong GK, Wong JH, Zipfel GJ, Connolly ES Jr, Steinmetz H, Lanzino G, Pasqualin A, Rüfenacht D, Vajkoczy P, McDougall C, Hänggi D, LeRoux P, Rinkel GJ, Macdonald RL.
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))