Jaakko Rinne profile picture
Professor, Clinical Neurosciences

Areas of expertise

Subarachnoid hemorrhage
intracranial aneurysms and vascular malformations
neurointensive care
normal pressure hydrocephalus
spinal disorders


- MD 1985

- Specialist in neurosurgery 1992

- Research fellow, Yale neurovascular surgery program, Yale university,  New Haven CT, USA 1998-1999

- Docent in neurosurgery, Kuopio university 2000

- Head of the department of neurosurgery, Kuopio university hospital 2001

- Head of the Kuopio Neurocenter 2010

- Head of the department and professor of neurosurgery, Turku university hospital and University of Turku, 2012


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Aivokavernooma - pitääkö olla huolissaan? (2021)

Koskimäki Janne, Rahi Melissa, Sajanti Antti, Kivelev Juri, Rantamäki Tomi, Rinne Jaakko
(Vertaisarvioitu katsausartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A2))

Risk of Rupture After Intracranial Aneurysm Growth (2021)

JAMA Neurology
van der Kamp Laura T., Rinkel Gabriel J. E., Verbaan Dagmar, van den Berg René, Vandertop W. Peter, Murayama Yuichi, Ishibashi Toshihiro, Lindgren Antti, Koivisto Timo, Teo Mario, St George Jerome, Agid Ronit, Radovanovic Ivan, Moroi Junta, Igase Keiji, van den Wijngaard Ido R., Rahi Melissa, Rinne Jaakko, Kuhmonen Johanna, Boogaarts Hieronymus D., Wong George K. C., Abrigo Jill M., Morita Akio, Shiokawa Yoshiaki, Hackenberg Katharina A. M., Etminan Nima, van der Schaaf Irene C., Zuithoff Nicolaas P. A., Vergouwen Mervyn D. I.
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))