Ilkka Paatero profile picture
Senior Researcher, Turku Bioscience Centre


+358 29 450 3789
Tykistökatu 6

Areas of expertise

cardiovascular biology
zebrafish models
model organisms;


My research covers broad range of topics in biomedicine. Current work is dealing mainly with cancer and cardiovascular biology.

My expertise is in application of model organisms, especially zebrafish (Danio rerio), in biomedical research. These models can help to understand and solve biomedical problems efficiently and ethically. Especially, when combined with high-resolution intravital microscopy, these models can give deep insights into developmental and disease processes in vivo. By using fish eggs and embryos, it is also possible to reduce the number of more complex and developed organisms used in research. These models, however, require certain set of skills and knowledge which is not part of the training of most medical and biomedical scientist. To facilite them to utilize the power of zebrafish models to advance their research, I have established a Zebrafish Core under Turku Centre for Biotechnology (University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University).


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HERC5 downregulation in non-small cell lung cancer is associated with altered energy metabolism and metastasis (2024)

Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research
Schneegans Svenja, Löptien Jana, Mojzisch Angelika, Loreth Desirée, Kretz Oliver, Raschdorf Christoph, Hanssen Annkathrin, Gocke Antonia, Siebels Bente, Gunasekaran Karthikeyan, Ding Yi, Oliveira-Ferrer Leticia, Brylka Laura, Schinke Thorsten, Schlüter Hartmut, Paatero Ilkka, Voß Hannah, Werner Stefan, Pantel Klaus, Wikman Harriet
(A1 Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä lehdessä )

TLNRD1 is a CCM complex component and regulates endothelial barrier integrity (2024)

Journal of Cell Biology
Ball, Neil J.; Ghimire, Sujan; Follain, Gautier; Pajari, Ada O.; Wurzinger, Diana; Vaitkevičiūtė, Monika; Cowell, Alana R.; Berki, Bence; Ivaska, Johanna; Paatero, Ilkka; Goult, Benjamin T.; Jacquemet, Guillaume
(A1 Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä lehdessä )

STAT5b is a key effector of NRG-1/ERBB4-mediated myocardial growth (2023)

EMBO Reports
Vaparanta Katri, Jokilammi Anne, Paatero Ilkka, Merilahti Johannes A, Heliste Juho, Hemanthakumar Karthik Amudhala, Kivelä Riikka, Alitalo Kari, Taimen Pekka, Elenius Klaus
(A1 Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä lehdessä )