Harry Scheinin profile picture
Docent, Institute of Biomedicine
Turku PET Centre

Areas of expertise

Clinical Pharmacology
Positron Emission Tomography


Harry Scheinin leads the Anesthesia Mechanisms Research Group at the University of Turku, Finland, and has studied the human neurobiology of anesthetic agents for 20 years. He has collaborated with Professor Antti Revonsuo since 2005.


We try to explore the neural correlates of human consciousness using, e.g., modern imaging methods. We aim to separate consciousness from responsiveness, connectedness from disconnection and to compare unconsciousness of physiological sleep with that induced by anesthetic agents. Finding new tools for the distinction of consciousness, connectedness and responsiveness would be groundbreaking and could represent a major leap forward in understanding human consciousness. The results could also help in developing new EEG-based methods to objectively measure consciousness and the depth of general anesthesia. 


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Effect of Inhaled Xenon on Cerebral White Matter Damage in Comatose Survivors of Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest A Randomized Clinical Trial (2016)

JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association
Laitio R, Hynninen M, Arola O, Virtanen S, Parkkola R, Saunavaara J, Roine RO, Grönlund J, Ylikoski E, Wennervirta J, Bäcklund M, Silvasti P, Nukarinen E, Tiainen M, Saraste A, Pietilä M, Airaksinen J, Valanne L, Martola J, Silvennoinen H, Scheinin H, Harjola VP, Niiranen J, Korpi K, Varpula M, Inkinen O, Olkkola KT, Maze M, Vahlberg T, Laitio T
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))

Validation of [11C]ORM-13070 as a PET tracer for alpha2c-adrenoceptors in the human brain (2015)

Jussi Lehto, Mika M. Hirvonen, Jarkko Johansson, Jukka Kemppainen, Pauliina Luoto, Tarja Naukkarinen, Vesa Oikonen, Eveliina Arponen, Juha Rouru, Jukka Sallinen, Harry Scheinin, Lauri Vuorilehto, Sjoerd J. Finnema, Christer Halldin, Juha O. Rinne, Mika Scheinin
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))