Francesco Pompedda profile picture
Senior Researcher, INVEST Research Flagship Centre
PhD in Psychology, Licensed Psychologist, CPsychol, FHEA

Areas of expertise

Training in Investigative Interviews of Children
Investigative Psychology
Deep Learning Algorithms
Serious Gaming;


I am a Senior Researcher at the INVEST Research Flagship Center of the University of Turku, Finland.

Before joining the University of Turku, I was Academic Coourse Leader for the BSc Forensic Psychology and Senior Lecturer at the University of Gloucestershire (UK), Visiting Researcher at the Gothenburg University (Sweden), and I recevied my PhD from Åbo Akademi (Finland) in 2018. I am a Licensed Psychologist (state exam). 


I am a psychologist specialised in forensic psychology. I like facts (data) over words. My research interests are in the area of investigative interviews of children, and I have developed a simulator for investigative interviews of children that employs avatars and response algorithms.

I am involved in several projects in relation to the utlisation of video games for training purpouses (serious gaming) both in a forensic context (Investigative interviews of children) and clinical (Rorschach), Human-Computer Interaction, Cognitive and Social mechanisms that influence training and learning, and legal/forensic psychological topics.I am also involved in other projectes related to the implementation of Principles on Effective Interviewing for Investigations. I have conducted research with the Police and extensive experince in training police offcers and other professionals on investigative interviews, including consultacy for the United Nations. 


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White paper on forensic child interviewing: research-based recommendations by the European Association of Psychology and Law (2024)

Psychology, Crime and Law
Korkman J.; Otgaar H.; Geven L.M.; Bull R.; Cyr M.; Hershkowitz I.; Mäkelä J.-M.; Mattison M.; Milne R.; Santtila P.; van Koppen P.; Memon A.; Danby M.; Filipovic L.; Garcia F.J.; Gewehr E.; Gomes Bell O.; Järvilehto L.; Kask K.; Körner A.; Lacey E.; Lavoie J.; Magnusson M.; Miller Q.C.; Pakkanen T.; Peixoto C.E.; Perez C.O.; Pompedda F.; Su I.A.; Sumampouw N.E.J.; van Golde Celine; Waterhouse G.F.; Zappalà A.; Volbert R.
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