Areas of expertise
I am a Senior Researcher at the INVEST Research Flagship Center of the University of Turku, Finland.
Before joining the University of Turku, I was Academic Coourse Leader for the BSc Forensic Psychology and Senior Lecturer at the University of Gloucestershire (UK), Visiting Researcher at the Gothenburg University (Sweden), and I recevied my PhD from Åbo Akademi (Finland) in 2018. I am a Licensed Psychologist (state exam).
I am a psychologist specialised in forensic psychology. I like facts (data) over words. My research interests are in the area of investigative interviews of children, and I have developed a simulator for investigative interviews of children that employs avatars and response algorithms.
I am involved in several projects in relation to the utlisation of video games for training purpouses (serious gaming) both in a forensic context (Investigative interviews of children) and clinical (Rorschach), Human-Computer Interaction, Cognitive and Social mechanisms that influence training and learning, and legal/forensic psychological topics.I am also involved in other projectes related to the implementation of Principles on Effective Interviewing for Investigations. I have conducted research with the Police and extensive experince in training police offcers and other professionals on investigative interviews, including consultacy for the United Nations.