Aki Koponen profile picture
Research Director, Centre for Collaborative Research (CCR)
D.Sc. (Economics & Business Administration)


+358 29 450 2357
+358 50 524 6239
Rehtorinpellonkatu 3

Areas of expertise

Industry dynamics
Economics of competition policy
Business model innovations
Player analytics
Nutrition economics
commercialising research innovations


I work as a research director (professor level position, field: Business Renewal) at the Centre for Collaborative Research and Laboratory of Business Disruption Research at Turku School of Economics, University of Turku. Since 2004 some 50 multidisciplinary research, development and consulting projects have been completed under my direction. I have also acted as an expert member of Finnish Market Court. Besides academic activities I am a co-founder of an AI startup. I am also a happy married father, who loves gaming, ska punk and freeskiing.


At the beginning of my academic career my research focused on economics of banking, economic analysis of market competitiveness, competition neutrality, effects of new legislation and regulation on competitiveness, competition in service industries, and market-based solutions for health care services. More recently the research focused on innovation activity, industry dynamics and strategic renewal of companies, as well as regional development. Since 2014 topics has included also digital gaming (esp. market development, business models, entertaining games in health care and wellbeing), data analytics and business disruptions.


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Digital Game Dynamics Preferences and Player Types (2017)

Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication
Jukka Vahlo, Johanna K Kaakinen, Suvi K. Holm, Aki Koponen
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))

Three Apps for Shooting Sports: The Design, Development, and Deployment (2015)

International Conference on Entertainment Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Agnieszka Besz, Maciej Gornicki, Toni Heinonen, Tapani Kiikeri, Ilkka Ratamo, Mika Luimula, Taisto Suominen, Aki Koponen, Jouni Saarni, Tomi Suovuo, Jouni Smed
(Vertaisarvioitu artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa (A4))