Aino Halinen-Kaila profile picture
Professor, Marketing
D.Sc (Econ & Bus.Adm.)


+358 29 450 2184
+358 40 589 8891
Rehtorinpellonkatu 3

Areas of expertise

Business-to-business marketing
Dynamics of business networks
Customer relationship management
Professional services marketing
Process research methodology


Aino is Professor of Marketing since 1999 at Turku School of Economics. She received her PhD in Marketing in 1995 and has since served in various academic positions at TSE e.g. as Vice-Dean responsible for research and doctoral education 2012-2019, and as associate professor at Helsinki School of Economics. Her studies have been published in international books and acknowledged journals including Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Business Research, Industrial Marketing Management and Journal of Service Management.

Since the early 1990’s Aino has been an active member in various national and international research networks (IMP-Group, ValueNet Consortium, and Nordic networks on Interorganizational Research and Relationship Dynamics, NorD). She currently sits on a number of editorial boards (IMM, JBIM) and has shortly visited Stanford University (SCANCOR), Manchester Business School, and Robinson College at Georgia State University. Aino’s current duties focus on doctoral education and scientific expert tasks. She is  board member at A-Klinikka Oy, a private company offering social services for substance abusers. While out of office, her three sons, a cappella singing and a large garden keep her busy.


Post-graduate courses on Academic Writing, B2B Marketing and Research Methods. Master-level course on Strategizing in Business Networks. Supervision of Master's Theses and Doctoral Theses.


Current research topics:
Visioning and foresight in business networks
Sustainable business markets
Process research methdology

On-going research projects:
MarketVision: Visioning and shaping sustainable business markets, 2022- Funded by Dr. Marcus Wallenberg Foundation and Foudation for Economic Education.

Follow the Pig: A business perspective to antibiotics and the meat production ecosystem, 2018-  in collaboration with business scholars from three Nordic universities: University of Southern Denmark, Uppsala University ja BI Norwegian Business School. Funded by NOS-SH.


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Elaborating Space in IMP Research (2012)

Annual IMP Conference
Jan-Åke Törnroos, Aino Halinen, Christopher J. Medlin
(Vertaisarvioitu artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa (A4))

A process theory of relationship ending (2002)

International Journal of Service Industry Management
Halinen Aino, Tähtinen Jaana
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))