Keyword: Press release

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Gut Microbes Associated with Temperament Traits in Children


Scientists in the FinnBrain research project of the University of Turku discovered that the gut microbes of a 2.5-month-old infant are associated with the temperament traits manifested at six months of age. Temperament describes individual differences in expressing and regulating emotions in infants, and the study provides new information on the association between behaviour and microbes. A corresponding study has never been conducted on infants so young or in the same scale.

Researchers from Turku Bioscience Centre Identified Novel Oncogenic Function for Receptor Linked with Alzheimer’s Disease


Common and rare SORLA single nucleotide polymorphisms have been associated with the development of Alzheimer’s disease. So far, SORLA has been mainly studied in neurons, but the new study focused on the role of SORLA in cancer cells. Led by Academy Professor Johanna Ivaska, the research group observed that SORLA was highly expressed in HER2 positive cancers. Removing SORLA from cancer cells severely impaired the oncogenic fitness of HER2 positive cancers.

University of Turku Plants Trees in Namibia as Carbon Sinks


Within a collaboration project of the University of Turku and the University of Namibia, a large tree area is created in Namibia to function as a carbon sink and also to serve the ecological and economic needs of Namibia. The launch of the Carbon Garden project was celebrated at the University of Namibia’s campus in Henties Bay on 10 May 2019. The attendees included the first President of Namibia Sam Nujoma and the current Vice President Nangolo Mbumba.

Students at International School in Finland Significantly Outperform U.S. Students on ‘Fake News’ Digital Literacy Tasks


A recent study revealed students at an international school in Finland significantly outperformed U.S. students on tasks which measure digital literacy in social media and online news. The researchers suggest this may be due to the Finnish and International Baccalaureate curricula’s different way of facilitating students’ critical thinking skills compared to the U.S. system and curriculum. The results of this study were published in the Journal of Research in International Education in April.

Turku Centre for Biotechnology Celebrates 30-year Anniversary and Strengthens Role as International Cluster of Expertise


Turku Centre for Biotechnology, a joint unit of the University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University, celebrating its 30-year anniversary offers technology services and produces top research in biosciences. In honour of the anniversary, the name of the Centre was changed to gain more visibility and to strengthen its position at the heart of technology services in Turku. In the future, the Centre's brand name will be Turku Bioscience – in Finnish, Turun biotiedekeskus.