Researcher in Spotlight: Pekka Pohjankoski


The Researcher in Spotlight is a series which introduces the researchers of the Faculty of Law. We are presenting now Postdoctoral Researcher Pekka Pohjankoski.

Name: Pekka Pohjankoski
Position in the Faculty of Law: Postdoctoral researcher 
Degrees: LL.D., LL.M., LL.B. (2024, 2011, 2009, University of Helsinki), LL.M. (2015, Harvard Law School), B.Mus. (2011, Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki)
Fields of interest: European law, comparative constitutional law (especially USA), legal history, conflict of laws

Describe your career path. What led you to where you are today?

Upon graduation from law school, I could not have imagined being a researcher! I have always had an interest in the cross-border dimensions of the law. I started my professional career as a legal officer in the Legal Service of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in Helsinki, where I worked with EU litigation, before moving to Luxembourg to serve at the European Court of Justice for seven years as référendaire in the chambers of the then-Finnish judge Allan Rosas. I identify as a lawyer rooted in practice, which has also been reinforced by my court training at the Helsinki District Court and membership in the New York State Bar. However, my postgraduate studies in the US opened my eyes to the possibilities of university research and teaching. As I returned to Finland, I decided to experiment how full-time academic life would be. I conducted my doctoral research at the University of Helsinki, and I greatly enjoyed the varied nature of my work as a researcher.

What projects are you currently working on?

At the Faculty, I work in the JuRe (Just Recovery from Covid-19? Fundamental Rights, Legitimate Governance and Lessons Learnt) research project until end of 2024, after which I will continue within the PAKO (“Lessons from the Pandemic”) consortium till the end of 2025. The projects investigate, among other topics, constitutional issues around emergencies and the rule of law. I am currently working on an article which explores the legal dimensions of border closures from the perspective of the Finnish-European constitutional order. I am also co-authoring a publication with colleagues on the judicial protection available during the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as a blog entry on the new PAKO research project. This fall I also teach the Foundations of European Law course at the Open University.

Have your interests evolved since finishing your studies?

Since my undergraduate studies, European law, constitutional law, and conflict of laws have presented a particular appeal for me. But it was only during my studies in the US that studying American federalism helped me see the connections between these fields in the European context. A more recent, but complementary, field of interest is legal history. I see that the study of history has a great deal to offer particularly for European law which has for long focused mainly on the doctrinal organization of black-letter law material.

What would you be, if you were not a researcher?

Hands-on litigation in the courts is a practice area that I have strong affinity for. However, if I were not to be a lawyer at all, I would probably be a violinist. I studied for a long time at the Sibelius Academy (University of the Arts), first at the Junior Academy and then in the undergraduate program on performing arts, until the law studies eventually took over as the definitive professional choice.

What inspires you?

What I find stimulating at the university is to be able to use a wide range of different skills (research, teaching, interactions with broader society). As regards research, the best moments are for me those moments of discovery on a point of legal history which serve to clarify the present-day regulatory complexity, but I also enjoy teaching. I have for many years taught the European Law Moot Court at University of Helsinki. Mooting combines in a wonderful way university teaching and the practical side of law!

Created 02.09.2024 | Updated 02.09.2024