Socio-legal seminar: Critical thinking and critical action in the socio-legal field

We warmly welcome you to the seminar “Critical thinking and critical action in the socio-legal field” taking place on 24 October 2024. After the seminar, we will organise a dinner in honour of professor Anne Alvesalo-Kuusi’s 60th birthday (admission card arrangement).

Seminar at 14.00–17.30, Turku, Calonia 1
Dinner at 18.15, restaurant Hügge, Linnankatu 3, Turku


Welcoming words

Panel discussion I:
Socio-legal experience boosting the thinking of young professionals
(in English)

Coffee break

Panel discussion II:
Down By The Kontrolli – research and action for the marginalised
(in Finnish)

Closing words

We will do our best to organise English interpretation for the Finnish panel discussion.

As the number of dinner participants is limited, we highly encourage early registrations.

István Rytkönen –
Ira Salo –
Nea Peltoniemi –

If you are unable to attend the events but would like to congratulate Anne, you can participate in a congratulatory video collage collected for her. The purpose of the video collage is to collect congratulations for Anne from people who are not able to attend the anniversary seminar. The video will be given to Anne after the seminar. If you want to participate in the video collage, you can send a short video congratulations of a maximum of 1 min to More information about the video can be requested from the same email. If you would like for your video to be shown in the seminar, please let me know in your email.

A couple of notes on making the video!
• Maximum length of 1 minute
• The video should be in "vertical format"
• Note the sound and microphone position when making the video

Please return the video no later than 6 October to