Turku Centre for Labour Studies TCLS - Events in 2023

WORK2023 conference - Digital Capitalism: Peril and Possibilities

Time: 23-25 August 2023
Paikka: University of Turku, virtual conference platform 

International, multidisciplinary work and working life research conference WORK2023 was organised on 23-25 August. The theme of the conference was Digital Capitalism: Peril and Possibilities. WORK2023 was organised as a hybrid conference, onsite at the University of Turku and online on a virtual Oxford Abstracts conference platform.

For more information, please visit: https://work2023.fi/


Research seminar: Role of the Board in CEO Succession: Do Female Members Favor Female Candidates?

Date: November 9th 2023
Time: at 10-12
Place: Turku School of Economics, lecture hall LS07 & Zoom

Research Advisor Petri Rouvinen from ETLA Economic Research presented a paper on Role of the Board in CEO Succession: Do Female Members Favor Female Candidates?

More information on seminar event page.