Global Goodness webinar

Webinar Series: Global Goodness – Discussions on Global Business Ethics

What kind of future do we want to create? What will happen to humanity?

The wicked problems are global, so we also need globally shared values - future aims - ​​to solve the issues. Climate change and loss of biodiversity require action. Can we create biocentric ethics instead of anthropocentric ethics? New technologies also pose challenges to ethics: we need to discuss global ethics of artificial intelligence and biotechnology, for example? What are the values ​​of states' foreign policy? How can we overcome poverty and inequality?

It is time to rethink the good life: we need dynamic and evolving ethics.

Past webinars in the series:

25th January, 2022: Sustainable Futures Sustainable new ways of life, business models, and social renewal for the future

How can we turn the goals of sustainable development into action? Becoming sustainable is one of the grand challenges globally. Today, many organizations, including firms, universities, and political entities, are committed to advancing the sustainability transformation. However, participants in this transformation have different expectations and ideas about how sustainability shall be made possible and what it will mean to us individually and as a society.


16.12.2021 webinaari: Erkki Liikasen joulusaarna

30th November, 2021: Interreligious dialogue on global ethics

9th November, 2021: How to implement global change? Professional communication, nudging, and regulation

11th October, 2021: Futures of Technology

6th September, 2021: Challenges of Global Leadership

Read more:

1th June, 2021: Values of foreign policy

Read more: Discussion on Global Business Ethics: Values of foreign policy

12th April, 2021: The Enhancement of Biodiversity

1th March, 2021: From Thought to Action

Read more: Discussion on Dasgupta report