
Towards deliberative climate and energy foresight (DECENT)

Climate and energy policies are essentially about the future of our planet. Scenarios are one of the most central tools strategy processes. Although scenarios are widely made and presented to decision-makers there is precious little research on the actual use and influence of scenarios in decision-making. The DECENT project will close this research gap by investigating the national climate and energy policy processes in Finland.

We will perform 

  1. a qualitative document analysis on the narratives of the future in and the process of conducting the climate and energy strategy,
  2. expert and stakeholder interviews on the experiences, expectations and doubts about the usefulness of the scenarios, and
  3. media analysis on the public debates regarding the climate and energy policies.

The DECENT project gathers twelve researchers from three organisations with a long history of collaboration. The Principal Investigator of the consortium is Professor Petri Tapio at Finland Futures Research Centre (FFRC), University of Turku. The subproject PIs are Adjunct Professor Jari Lyytimäki at Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) and Doctor Pasi Rikkonen at Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE).

The Research Council for Culture and Society at the Academy of Finland funds the project in 2019–2023.

Project publications:

For more information:

Professor Petri Tapio, Finland Futures Research Centre, University of Turku

Project Specialist, Doctoral Student Marjukka Parkkinen, Finland Futures Research Centre, University of Turku

Decent project partners' logos